Chapter 18- Jordan

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"Alright, the car is full and ready .to go." Crawford tossed the keys in the air and catches them while smiling.

"We realized something." I said looking at Alison and she gave me a confused look raising her eyebrow because truthfully, I had just realized something.

"What is it?" Crawford questioned also raising his brow.

"Instead of waisting your gas, we have a special friend named Richard." I laughed, looking at Alison for some support.

"Oh yeah! How could I forget!" Alison hit her forehead. Crawford and Chris looked at us, confused and a bit scared.

I started to text Richard to pick us up, I quickly sent it because I received another text. I looked and it was from the same unknown number from last night.

WE are watching you.

I gulped, not of fear, but of anger. I quickly moved my phone in front of Alison. She quickly read it and looked up at me.

"Tell Chris, see if he knows who it could be." She whispered to me. I didn't want to tell Chris only because I highly dislike him, I was starting to stand him last night but then he pulled that little stunt. I don't want to rely on his help for this situation. Yeah I'm stubborn, I know. I just shook my head at Ali and quickly changed the subject once Richard texted me.

"He's downstairs, let's go!" I grabbed Alison's hand and ran towards the door as Crawford and Chris hesitated to follow us.

Once we got down to the lobby, I saw Richard parked right in front of the doors. I hopped in the front seat and let the other three take the back.

"Hi Richard!" Alison said happily once we were all settled.

"Hello. Where to?" He smiled at all of us.

"Uh?" I realized we didn't have an exact destination so I looked at Crawford for an answer. He looked at me and leaned onto the back of Richards seat and mumbled some stuff into his ear and Richard nodded. I wanted to ask where to, but I decided to just wait and see.

We drove for awhile but soon enough, Richard stopped in the middle of a downtown looking area, covered in shops, bars, restaurants, parks, etc.

"Here we are." Richard politely stated.

"Thank you!" I smiled and hopped out of the car and waited for the rest to come spilling out of the back seat.

"I'm really hungry." Alison randomly said.

"I'm not." I never had an appetite in the morning, it was rare for me to actually want to eat, the thought of food until around noon or so made me want to upchuck.

"Me neither." Chris agreed which shocked me.

"Well there's a good restaurant down the street, wanna go?" Crawford looked at just Alison and asked. I didn't like where this was going.

"Yeah, sure." Alison smiled and looked at me. I looked at her with a plea for help but either she didn't get the hint or just ignored it.

"Okay, we will be back, I'll call you Chris so we can meet." Crawford explained to Chris. You could tell he wasn't to happy either about them ditching us, especially since we didn't particularly like each other.

Chris nodded annoyingly, rolled his eyes, and turned to walk away. I followed after him, surprisingly. I didn't like him but I was intrigued by his personality and I knew there had to be something deep down that was good about him. Us hanging yesterday made me realize that, even though he is a jerk.

Since I was desperate for a conversation and wasn't enjoying the awkward silence, I brought up the one thing I told myself I wouldn't.

"So uh hey, I know this sounds odd but uh..." I didn't know how to say all the words without jumbling them all out so I decided to take out my phone and show him but while I was doing that, you could tell he was annoyed and confused.

I showed him the messages which also revealed the phone number at the top.

"I have no idea." He said slowly, still observing the texts as he narrowed his brows with confusion.

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