Chapter 28- Alison

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Tears started to flood my eyes when I sat in silence, thinking of the situation I was in.

My thoughts were interrupted when a few loud bangs and shouts irrupted from outside the door and echoed.

There were a few really loud kicks on the door and then scaring the crap out of me, it falls down on the floor right in front of me.

My heart started to slow down immediately and I couldn't help but smile when I saw a panting, pissed off Jordan.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so glad to see you. What's going on? Why are we here?" I quickly spat out.

"Shut up and just hurry." She said as she ran around my chair and started cutting all the tape.

I felt like the world was lifted off my shoulders when I was free.

We quickly ran out of the closet and then revealed a school hallway. A few guys came running towards us from a distance in the hall and Jordan kept pulling me and as we passed the guys Jordan turned away and she sprayed pepper spray all over them and we kept running.

"We need to find the guys!" I said quickly as I remembered the parking lot incident.

Jordan and I read each other's minds and split to each side of the halls and started trying to open every door until we spotted a human being, hoping it wasn't someone trying to harm us, and hopefully someone who's name was Crawford or Chris.

I opened doors and kept constantly running, terrified I would run into someone I didn't want to run into but I heard a yell from Jordan which scared me so bad.

I turned and saw she was a few doors behind me on my side. I guess I wasn't really paying attention as much as I should've been.

I ran to where she was and looked in the door way.

Chris was strapped down to a lab table, looking untouched but was passed out.

I started breathing really heavily when Crawford wasn't here.

"We need to find Crawford." I sobbed. I was terrified.

"We can't leave him here." Jordan said.

I sighed, knowing what I was about to say.

"You stay. I'll look." I gulped.

"Here." Jordan threw the closed pepper spray at me. I didn't catch it but I bent down to pick it up.

"Stay here." I said as I headed for the door. Right before I walked out, I told her to lock it and I would knock twice really fast so she knew it was me.

The hallway was now a bit darker. Since school was out there was no lights and the sun was at the edge of the earth about to leave.

I started to opening doors but this time, I opened them slowly and looked around inside before checking the next door. Finally after a few doors, I see a person inside on the far back corner of the classroom.

I run up but stop and gasp when I see Crawford in a chair, taped down. His head dangled down and blood dripped onto his swimming trunks.

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