Chapter 29- Jordan

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"Common Chris. Chris wake up." I say as I try to shake him. I've been doing this for awhile while Alison was gone. I hope she was okay.

I give up and sit down and start to cry as I realize how this vacation has gone downhill so fast.

Suddenly I hear coughing and turn quickly to see Chris waking up.

"Oh my gosh! Chris! Get up, we have to go. I say and start pulling him up, glad I already cut him loose.

"Wha- What happened? Where are we?" He said drowsy and once he stood, he about fell over until I helped him.

"Where's Crawford?" He said more awake this time.

"Come on." I said, pulling him. We walked quietly, or at least I did and tried to get Chris to.

"Jordan!" Alison sobbed loudly. I quickly shushed her and ran into the classroom she was peaking out of.

I ran in and automatically stopped, still holding onto Chris when I saw a bloody Crawford tied to a desk chair.

Chris left my grasp and ran to his brother and got on his knees and started saying his name repeatedly and holding his head up, trying to wake him.

I run over to where Chris was and put my index finger horizontally under Crawford's nose.

"He's breathing." I sigh out with relief.

Chris and Alison seemed to do the same thing.

"We got to get out of here." Chris says worriedly, looking at me.

I started to cut the tape holding Crawford down and Chris picked him up over his shoulder.

We rushed out of the classroom and into the hallway and Chris automatically seemed to know where to go so we followed.

"Where's the car?" I asked quickly once we made it outside.

"They took it." Chris panted.

I quickly dug in my purse for my phone and once I turned it on, I saw it was already ten o'clock pm.

I quickly went in my address book and called Richard and I told him it was an emergency.

He arrived pretty quickly and we hopped in the car. It looked like he had just woken up with his messy hair and worn out face.

He gasped and looked shocked when he saw passed out, bloody Crawford thrown in the car by Chris.

"Don't tell my parents." I quickly told him and he nodded. I was eighteen and I explained to him how I would tell them eventually.

Oh my gosh, if Alison's mom had found out.

Even if Alison's mom was in her grave, she would use her power to never let Alison out of her sight again.

Richard drove us quickly to the hospital so we could make sure Crawford was okay. The doctors checked us also.

The only thing that sucked was they called the cops and so now the cops are investigating and attacking us with loads of questions which we have no answers to.

Maybe Crawford knows something. I guess we will find out when he wakes up.

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