Chapter 27- Jordan

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Everything was happening too fast.

First of all, my head was sacked and I was taken somewhere and then thrown into some sort of auto mobile, I'm guessing it was a van since I had plenty of room to roll around on a flat surface.

Then the van stopped after approximately six minutes, I counted to 60 multiple times until the van stopped.

Now I was in a room that two guys left me in and I know that because they took the sack off my head after they taped me to a chair.

And this wasn't just any room. This was a classroom.

I need my purse.

I have a pocket knife and pepper spray.

I looked all around and spotted my black leather bag all the way on the other side if the room on a desk. They are truly idiots for leaving my purse in the same room as me.

I tried scooting the chair as quietly as possible which was hard considering the leg has a metal cap at the bottom and the floor was shiny classic classroom tile and my body weight was dragging along with the chair. There were a few loud squeaks here and there and I prayed so hard for no one to hear.

I made it. I made it to my bag.

Now how the hell was I going to get my hands in the purse without breaking a limb off?

I turned facing away from my purse and stood on my tippy toes as my legs were strapped down each on a leg  of the chair so that made it much more harder and painful.

I waved my hands around behind me frantically, looking for the leather to be in my grasp.

Thankfully I didn't have too much in my purse so that made it easier to feel around inside. A few things did fall out which made noise but thankfully no one had come in because of it.

I quickly flicked the knife open and prayed to god I wouldn't cut my wrists while cutting through this duck tape around them. This was so painful and uncomfortable and probably almost impossible for some people but I managed. It took probably twenty times longer than it would have if I was actually move properly but it was done.

Once my hands were free, I quickly cut the tape keeping my legs on the legs of the chair.

I took a deep breath and sighed of relief but was terrified of what I had to do. I grabbed my purse and took the pepper spray out. I had never used it before and I was terrified of it accidentally getting on me.

I twisted the button which kept it from spraying and made my way slowly to the exit.

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