Chapter 17- Alison

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"Get up! Get up!" I scream in excitement all over Jordan's bed as she moans and waves me away.

"Go away!" She groans into her pillow and kicks, trying to hit me but misses every time.

"We are in LA and you want to sleep in?" I exclaim. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "You are saved this time." I roll my eyes at Jordan and skip to the door, opening it, there stood Crawford and Chris. Crawford smiling as usual, and Chris looking like he's about to shoot himself.

"Hello." I said happily, seeing Crawford, reminding me of my first REAL kiss last night.

"Hi." He said all happily. Chris just stared at the ground.

"Come in!" I move out of the way for them to walk in, and they do so.

"Where's Jordan?" Crawford said and Chris looked up and looked around with actual attention.

"She won't get out of bed!" I proclaim and laugh at the remembrance of the sight of her half asleep and messy looking.

"It's two in the afternoon?" Crawford said yet questioningly.

"Well I already tried, by all means, you can go ahead and give it a shot." I joked, didn't think he would have the nerve to mess with a hibernated bear in her cave, yet he did.

Oh lord.

I followed him as Chris walked by his side, just as motivated. Once we go to the door, I really wanted to see the scene but knew I wouldn't want to be involved in the wreck that was about to happen.

Literally seconds later, there were a few screams and loud bangs which caused me to rush in the room to see Crawford on the floor and Jordan holding Chris by his wrists.

"Jordan!" I yelled at her, embarrassed and guilty of what I had done. I laughed at the sight though, especially since Jordan's once perfectly up bun now hung loosely on the side of her head and frizzy, and had drool dried by her mouth.

I quickly grabbed Jordan and pulled her harshly to the bathroom and faced her towards the mirror and she gasped. Very loudly.

She quickly pulled down her hair and ran the water to wash her face. I laughed and walked back to her bedroom to see Crawford and Chris laughing on the bed.

"Be quiet!" I laughed with them, yet tried to contain it. "I shouldn't have sent you guys in there, she's going to kill me!" I giggled.

After Jordan cleaned herself up and came back to bedroom, she looked good as new.

"So what do you girls plan on doing today?" Crawford asked.

"No idea. We wanted to explore LA and do things spontaneously as we always do." I say and laugh as I look at Jordan. You could tell she was not happy but she tried to play cool.

"Well we can show you around? We come here a lot so." Crawford explained, looking at us questionably.

Jordan shrugged.

"They're from Canada." I said and giggled to Jordan, remembering Crawford explained a lot about him and his brother last night at dinner.

"Why do you guys come here?" Jordan asked suspiciously.

The boys looked at each other and both said "family".

Crawford told me a lot but some things didn't seem to add up but I tried not to question too much.

"Alright well I don't care. I'm sure Alison wants to, so why not." Jordan said, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.

Before we left, the boys had to go get gas in the car, so Jordan and I stayed and made sure we were completely ready and had everything we needed.

As I looked through my purse, Jordan walked up to me.

"I got a very bizarre text late last night." She said calmly and sat beside me with her phone in her hands.

"What was it?" I straightened my back. She handed me her phone and I read a threat about Chris from an unknown number. I narrowed my eyebrows at the text and looked at her looking confused. She just shrugged.

"We will talk about that more later, we will just need to watch our surroundings today." I said, still observing the text. Jordan nodded in response.

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