Chapter 39- Jordan

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It's been days now. Chris, Crawford, and I have been stuck in a dark room, tied down. Alison is still missing and we've barely eaten, we get a little water everyday. I just can't believe this was happening.

Us three were lined up in our chairs, Crawford, Chris, than me. I looked over weakly at the boys, they both were knocked out.

My heart jumped when the door suddenly opened and lit up the room. I could only see the silhouette of a man but no details. I started to squirm but the man quietly "sshhh'd" me.

"I'm here to help." He whispered as he came closer to me and started untying me.

"Why?" I breathed out shakily.

"I'm the one who took Alison, she's safe, she's okay." He told me but I couldn't trust him. I just couldn't.

I realized I was free and quickly got up and moved to Chris quickly and started freeing him and the other guy went to Crawford.

"Chris wake up. Wake up." I whined as I tried shaking him. His eyes opened and my breathing seemed to be a lot more easier.

"Common, we gotta go." I whispered and tried pulling Chris up, his body was like a limp noodle except absorbed with water considering how heavy he was.

"Follow me." The guy said. I didn't trust him but what other chance do we have?

We followed him and my heart jumped whenever I saw a shadow or heard men laughing.

"Here you go." He opened a side door into an alleyway. "Look for Alison, tell her Quinn says hi." He grinned quickly and shut the door.

Now me and the boys were standing in a dark alleyway, hungry and weak and had no clue where Alison was.

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