Chapter 44- Alison

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I woke up with a major headache in the backseat of a car. It was dark out, I looked in front of me and there was net wiring in between the back and front seats. I looked beside me and there was Crawford and Quinn.

When I came to the realization of everything that had happened, I began to squirm and groan anxiously. Crawford quickly grabbed my hand trying to calm me down. Quinn started to shift in his sleep about to wake up.

"Jordan? Where is she?" I spat out quickly, still squirming uncomfortably. 

"Look behind ya sweetheart, everything's alright now." The cop driving interjects. I turn to face the back window. I see a few cop cars following. I quickly sigh of relief. Not long after, we turn into a large police station. I start to feel anxious. I've never been involved with the law. My mother would shit bricks right about now.

The cop escorts us out of the car, while we still are all handcuffed. I see Jordan and Chris come out of another car which makes me feel like so much weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Then I see Natalie and all her men be escorted out of the other cars. Of course they didn't cooperate. 

Natalie starts to kick and scream but with not much effort which makes me believe she was doing the same in the car and had wore herself out. 

"This isn't over you whores!" She screams at me and Jordan as the cop pulls her along. "I'm innocent!" She continues screaming. "Tell them Chris... baby! I know you still love me!" 


Chris looks worn out. He doesn't show much emotion. 

"Crazy bitch." He mutters under his breath.

Once we get into the police station, they obviously separate the criminals from the victims, which was made pretty obvious luckily. I would not survive jail. I sit next to Jordan who looks exhausted.

"How did the police find us?" She whispers to herself.

"When I went back in there, I asked Richard to call the police." I answered her question. She didn't respond back.

We were each called in one by one for questioning. Once that was over, we got to leave. Richard came to get us and took us back to the hotel. It was a silent car ride. We all needed sleep.

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