Chapter 13 - Jordan

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Well. I guess I'm all alone for the night then. Oh and by the way, that's not a bad thing. I loved to be alone. I can actually be comfortable in my own skin when I'm alone and I can be loud and dance and sing and no one is here to see.

I make my way to the kitchen and squeal as I get a bag of chips and a can of Dr. Pepper and hopped onto the couch, grabbing the remote.

Right as I was about to turn the TV on, I changed my mind and threw the remote onto the couch after I got up, making my way to my alarm clock, which had an aux chord and was basically also a stereo, that I had brought. I grabbed the aux chord and hooked up my phone and started to blast my grunge playlist. I loved all of music, but rock had a special place in my heart.

As the music blared through out the suite, I danced all around while eating my chips and drinking my dr pepper and brushing my hair and doing other random things I did while I danced around.

Suddenly, causing me to stop in my tracks, there was a loud banging on the door that continually occurred. I quickly ran to my phone and hit pause on my music and ran to the door, slinging it open.

I see the one and only. I'm sure you already know who it is.

He looked at me with his piercing blue eyes and you could tell he was not happy by the way his eyebrows were narrowed and him heavily breathing.

"Can your music be any louder? I'm two doors down and I can hear it." He breathes out, annoyed.

"Is that a challenge or?" I bitchily smiled as I said sarcastically. It's sad I don't know this guys name by now considering how much we have ran into each other and his brother and my best friend are on a date.

He didn't say anything and just continued to stare at me with death eyes and an irritated look on his face.

After a few seconds, his angry face became an annoying smirk and finally spoke. "Alright, well if you're going to blast music, at least play actual good music."

I raised my eyebrows and was in shock of his statement as he pushes beside me, making his way through the tight space between me and the door.

He unhooked my phone and took his and plugged it in. I was literally in shock. My aux chord was like a trophy. You have to earn it.

Suddenly some vial fast slang started to blare out of the speakers.

"Oh god, no." I hurriedly ran to the stereo and unplugged it. He gasped and his face filled with anger and I bust out laughing.

His face suddenly lightened up a bit.

"You know you're actually kinda pretty when you don't look like a bitch." He said, smirking at me. I stopped laughing and looked at him deciding if I should slap him or not.

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