Chapter 21- Jordan

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"Stop it!" I squealed as I ran from Chris with my ice cream cone in my steady hand, hoping it won't fall.

"I'm going to get even!" I heard him call after me as I continued to run down the boardwalk, dodging people as they looked at me like I was a psycho.

As I continued to run, I looked over my shoulder and suddenly stumbled on a piece of lose wood on the boardwalk, I was able to stop myself from falling over but my ice cream had no hope.

Once I realized my ice cream had hit the ground, I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at it. Chris stopped too and we just stood there and stared at it with sadness.

"You see what you did!" I whined to Chris. Suddenly I felt a cold finger touch my cheek covered in liquid. I touched it and realized it was ice cream.

"Now we are even." Chris grinned and licked his ice cream cone. I dropped my jaw at him.

"You made my ice cream fall and die!" I exclaimed with sincere sadness.

"Okay, okay, common I'll buy you a new one." Chris rolled his eyes and started to walk back the opposite direction back to the ice cream cart.

After he got me my ice cream, I was once again happy and we started to make our way back to the street we were at which was a pretty long walk but it was worth it.

"Hey, so whatcha two been up to?" Crawford asked once me and Chris walked back up to him and Ali.

"Not much, we went to Venice." I giggled. Chris seemed to act more serious and emotionless again when we reached Crawford which annoyed me.

"Wow, did you guys walk?" Alison asked. I nodded out of breath.

"Well do you guys want to go get our bathing suits and go to the beach?" Crawford offered. I quickly looked at the time and saw it was already about 3 pm.

"How about we go back to the hotel, chill at the pool, and plan a beach day?" Alison said as if she read my mind. I smiled and nodded. Chris just stood there. Crawford agreed that it was a good day and we waited for Richard to pick us up after I texted him.

We got to out floor and we separated into our own rooms to get ready to head down to the pool.

"So you took two hours to eat today with Crawford?" I raised my brow at Alison as I dug through my bag looking for my plain black bathing suit.

"Oh hush. We talked a lot and stuff." Alison said to me with a huge smile on her face, not making eye contact as she also searched for her bathing suit.

"And stuff?" I giggled and ran up to her with my bathing suit in my hand and began to change.

"Yes, and stuff." She laughed and then suddenly I heard a loud yelp and I looked up to see Chris looking away, blocking his eyes in front of the bedroom door.

I screamed and covered my body up and ran to the other side of the room which wasn't in front of the bedroom door.

"Thanks for just walking into our suite, you perv!" I screamed at him, hoping he would hear. I looked at Alison, who was dying of laughter.

"How am I a perv? It's not like I wanted to see you naked!" Chris screamed back.

"We were in our rooms getting ready? What do you expect!" I yelled back with frustration.

"How long does it take you to put a bathing suit on?" Chris laughed as if I was a pathetic human being.

"Clearly longer than five minutes!" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm glad I didn't start changing yet." Alison said, still laughing.

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