Chapter 32- Alison

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"She's been gone for awhile." I say as I pace in front of Crawford's bed.

"I'm sure they're fine. We are in a hospital. There's a lot of people around and people that work here are always on the watch." Crawford explains to comfort me. I nod, he's right.

To finally calm all my nerves, Chris and Jordan show in the doorway and enter the room. I breathe out all my anxiety and feel like I lost fifty pounds.

"I talked to the doctor and they said you should be able to leave today but before you do, the investigators want to question you." Chris says as he sits on the couch beside Jordan who looks anxious and annoyed.

"How fun." Crawford rolls his eyes.

Things started to move fast as my mind was everywhere. Before I knew it, Crawford was out of his bed, was dressed, already interviewed and signed out to leave.

We walked in the parking lot to Richard who Jordan dialed not long ago.

Richard looked shocked to see Crawford.

"You sure recovered quickly." Richard chuckled to Crawford.

"Magic." Crawford smiled and then looked at me. I smiled back.

"Hotel?" Richard asked before driving off. All of us immediately looked at each other and sat in silence.

"Yes." Chris said sternly, sitting in the front seat, looking out the window. Richard looked at us for approval and Jordan nodded.

We pulled up in front of the lobby and hopped out as we thanked Richard.

"Were going to the beach house." Chris whispered to Crawford but loud enough for me to hear.

"What beach house?" Jordan asked, no surprise, she's really up forward.

"We have a family beach house which is probably vacant at the moment." Chris explained.

"So grab your things and hurry." Crawford piped in.

"Why would it be vacant?" I asked.

"Our family leaves a lot and since it's summer I wouldn't expect them to be in it. It's our moms and step fathers." Chris explained.

"Would they mind?" Jordan asked.

The boys shook their head. We were waiting outside the elevator. I was terrified for Natalie to just show up out of no where.

"What are we going to do about our room?" I questioned Jordan worriedly. Jordan rubbed her fave stressfully.

"Our parents will know if we sign out of the hotel and if we leave we would be paying for it for nothing." I turn to Crawford and explain worriedly.

"We can pay for your room." Chris stated as we made our way out of the elevator and onto our floor.

"What? That's a lot of money!" Jordan exclaimed.

"It's the least we can do. We got you into this whole mess." Crawford said and Chris weakly nodded.

I sighed. This is too much.

"Pack your things and hurry." Chris said as him and Crawford were unlocking their door.

"Common." Jordan grabbed my arm and pulled me to our room.

Once we were in the room we scrambled all over the place and grabbed our things and shoved them in our bags. It feels like we have much more now than we did before. We weren't packing things neatly and folding so it took up a lot more room.

I used a few plastic bags from the grocery store to put more things in.

"You ready?" Jordan hollered across the suite.

"Just... About!" I yelled back as I sat on my suitcase trying to zip it.

"Okay let's go." I say as I enter the living room with all my bags.

There was a sudden loud bang on the door.

"It must be the boys. We gotta go." Jordan said as we grabbed a few things from the fridge.

We opened the door and it wasn't Chris and Crawford.

"Going somewhere?" Natalie smirked as two guys stood behind her with red splotches on their faces.

Pepper spray.

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