Chapter 5

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Violet's graduation from the program came and went. She was adjusting back to reality with Grandma Mary. As for Andy, I hadn't spoken to him or seen him in weeks till unexpectedly seeing him on my television this morning.

I was flipping programs enjoying my morning when I stumbled onto Lifetime. There he was bearing his soul on national television. 

I was sucked into watching. This was a different Andy. The interviewer brought up his past relationship and you could see the shift from optimism back to depression momentarily in his eyes.

"What hurt me was it seemed like she didn't go through any pain at all," Andy replied back to the interviewer.

"It really was hell," he also told the Lifetime interviewer.

Then, the interview went on to talk about his drug battle. I was worried for some reason. I didn't even really know Andy on the level that the rest of the world did.

"A few people in the business knew about it. I tried to keep it a secret.  Especially with cocaine," Andy commented.

"What did you do?" the Lifetime interviewer asked.

"Well, I checked myself into the Betty Ford Center at Eisenhower in Palm Springs for 6 weeks. I graduated with my medallion there. It's the longest you can do there. It's still very hard," he commented.

I watched his body language. You could tell he was still frail like a puppy. The interviewer asked him about his career next, his command performance for Princess Anne.

"What if you said no?" she joked about the command performance for Princess Anne.

"No no, you can't. It's royalty," Andy chuckled in response.

His energy was lighting up from the heavy, darkness it had been for the past 3 minutes. 

Andy then commented on how he wished it was Princess Di.

"What are some of your greatest fears now?" she asked towards the end of the interview.

Andy sighed in disappointment of himself. 

"I can't say failing 'cause I've failed the past few years," he remarked after a second.

Just then, my phone rang.  I shook my head and turned the TV off.

"Hi (Y/N)," Violet spoke.

"Hi how's it going?" I asked her.

"Good good. Were still good for the AA meeting tomorrow?" she asked to verify.

"Yes of course Violet. I will come pick you up and then we can head to the center.

"Sounds good. I also wanted to let you know Grandma Mary is going to be going in for some routine surgery in about 3 weeks so will you be able to come over and hang out with us?" Violet asked me.

I really did get wrapped up in raising my best friend as my own daughter in a sense I suppose.

"Of course Violet. I may not be able to stay all day or week 'cause I do have my office job," I told her.

"Right right but I mean you'll definitely be able to swing by. Remember my driver's license is still suspended for the next 8 months," she reminded me.

"Right right," I replied back.

Even at 25, it was a lot of responsibility and discipline I had to have. 

"Did you also hear the sad news?" Violet asked me.

I shook my head.

"Carlos, the guy who was in the AA meetings with us? The one with the arm cast? He overdosed," Violet told me.

You Don't Know Me | A Andy Gibb What If FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang