Chapter 98

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"Are you happy that we found this restaurant?" Andy asked me as we sat in a restaurant eating chips and salsa.

I had been asking locals in New Mexico about a place to get good New Mexican food. Someone told us that "Taco Sal" was a great spot to get authentic New Mexican food.

"Yes, can't you tell?" I joked as we looked at the menu.

I wasn't sure what to order. I wasn't completely culturally adapted to things.

He chuckled at my comment.

"Who knew a month ago that we'd be sitting here?" he said.

I paused for a second.

"The best things happen spontaneously," I told him.

"I still cannot get over the balloons yesterday. It was so pretty to see them in the blue sky," Andy commented.

"Right like it was picture perfect," I told him as the lady came and took our order.

After contemplating what to get, we decided on combination plates. To get a little taste of everything. But, before we ordered them, we asked the waitress which chile she'd suggest.

"Oh, good question. I think you should do both Christmas," the waitress told us.

"Christmas?" I asked confused.

She laughed.

"Red and green are both types of chile. We can do both on the plate," she explained.

"That sounds good I'll do Christmas," I told her.

Andy ordered the same and then we were back to talking.

"So we head home in 2 days?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked him.

"The lady at the front desk of the hotel talked about the Sandia Tram. I wanted us to go. But, I don't know if you have to buy tickets in advance," he commented as he pulled the flyer out of his pocket.

He showed me the flyer.

It was a ride up to the top of the Sandia Mountain. We'd be in a tram car at least 10,000 feet. We could do either the 15-minute ride or the 30-minute ride.

"That sounds like fun even though I am not one with heights," I remarked.

"Darling, we went on a balloon ride in Greece. How can you say you are not one with heights?" he asked confused.

"I don't mean it like that sort of feeling. I get overhyped and face the fear," I told him as we got drink refills.

"Thank you," we both told our waitress.

"I overheard you guys saying you were from out of town. How is Albuquerque treating you folks?" our waitress asked.

"Pretty well actually. Our hotel desk person told us about you guys and my girlfriend had been wanting to try authentic New Mexican food," Andy told her.

She smiled.

"That's great to hear. You guys in town for the balloons, right?" she conversed.

"Yeah, we went yesterday. First-time goers," I explained.

"Was it good? Weather-wise?" she asked.

"Yeah, it was warmer than people warned us. Were from Califorina," Andy commented. 

"It can be a hit or miss with the weather for the actual morning flights. Let me go see how your food is coming along," the waitress told us.

"Were gonna have to try and do these sorts of trips more often," Andy told me.

"Right like getting to know a state's culture. Califorina is too preppy for me at times," I told him.

"Preppy? Darling the adjectives you use crack me up," he commented.

"Well you got Beverly Hills and Dior in Califorina. Here, people are normal with either their western hats and shirts or just blue jeans," I gestured to another couple across the room from us.

"I get that completely," he told me as our waitress brought out the food.

"Here you guys are. Let me know if you need anything," the lady told us.

"Perfect thank you so much," I told her.

"Yes thank you," Andy commented.

"Okay here's to the Christmas chile," I remarked as I grabbed my fork and took a bite of the enchilada first.

Andy waited for my reaction before taking his bite.

I was shocked. It was good. Not something I would order or eat all the time.

"Soooooo?" Andy asked.

"Taste it it's good," I told him.

And so, Andy did. His face went from a little worried to happy.

"That is good," Andy told me.

"I told you," I told him.

Here was to a nice mini vacation in New Mexico.

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