Chapter 75

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I had just finished my last shift at IBM. After clocking out, Deja was still in the building. I handed her the letter and of course, she was confused. No one saw it coming. I didn't really till recently. Today was hard emotionally. I also took Violet and Grandma to the airport early this morning before going to work. It was a whirlwind of emotions all day.

Going back to IBM, Deja was sad but understood. I managed to clear everything out between my breaks and lunch. 

I took a sigh of relief as I sat in my car knowing I didn't have a 4:45 wake-up call.

I did my goodbye to the office as I drove home to my Andy and Sam.

As I drove up, Andy was waiting on the porch.

I got out and had to shout to him. I had a bunch of crap in my car that I needed to take in.

"I have stuff from my desk," I called out.

He walked down the steps and joined me at my car trunk.

"So it's official?" he asked.

"Yes I'm officially unemployed for the next two weeks," I told him.

"I'm excited for us darling. Especially going to Florida," he commented as he grabbed one of the boxes.

"Me too. I hope the humidity isn't too hard to handle," I told him as we walked up the driveway.

"You've never been far from home?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Nope, I'm the only kid of my parents who stayed in Califorina. I went to Berkeley while my sister went to the University of Pennsylvania and my brother went straight to the army. Besides when we went to New York," I commented as I walked to the garage to put my crap in there temporarily. 

"Well I hope this new job lets you have more leeway and stuff 'cause I think it'll be more fun if you learn to live a little," he told me.

"Why do you think I booked us that sailing tour in Croatia? I know you love water and I want to go places I've never been to before I turn 30," I told him as we walked back to my car.

I had a few plants to bring in.

"I get it darling. I think I did too much too fast at a young age. I wonder how different things would be if I had not been projected into the spotlight," he analyzed.

"I mean things happen for a reason and who knows really what the pen has to write next for us," I commented.

"So you are telling me you never did anything wild?" he asked as we walked into the house after I locked my car up for the night.

I sighed.

"No. I did drink but only a few sips in college. I only smoked marijuana once and fell asleep for 17 hours in my dorm and never did that again. As for smoking, I was only doing it when I was stressed as you know and I wasn't a constant smoker," I commented as I put water in my plants.

"Goodness I cannot fathom how anyone could pass out for 17 hours just from smoking marijuana," Andy commented.

I busted out in laughter. Hearing him say "marijuana" was just not something I expected.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked.

"Just the way you calmly said "marijuana." Just didn't expect it I guess," I told him.

He rolled his eyes.

"It's my accent again right?" he asked.

"No no it's not the accent it's just you are so charming and calm and it's like when I cuss you freak out," I told him.

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