Chapter 48

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Sundays were my favorite. They were our lazy days. We didn't have anything to do but be together. 

As the anniversary weekend was winding down, all I could think about was how Thanksgiving and Christmas were gonna be here before I knew it.

I woke up because Sam was scratching at the bedroom door. Andy was still asleep next to me. I snuck out of the bed and grabbed my robe. Though California doesn't get cold like the East Coast, there was definitely a fall chill in the air.

Andy didn't stir when I got out of bed. I glanced at the clock and it was 6:50.

I opened the door quietly and went to let Sam out for the morning. I went and put the coffee pot on.

It was nice being loved and giving love. For the first time in my life, after the hardships, I guess it's true that everything happens in divine timing.

By the time I got the coffee on, it was still only a little after 7.  My stomach was growling so I grabbed a donut out of the box and went to sit down outside with Sam to watch the sunrise.

After a few, I could smell the coffee so I finished the donut and went back inside to make myself a cup. I trekked back outside with Sam. 

I sighed happily as life for once was making sense. I had everything a girl could want including love.

After what seemed like an eternity, a sleepy Andy walked out to the patio where I was sitting with my coffee.

"Good morning sleepy head," I commented as he walked over to where I was.

He chuckled.

"Good morning darling," he remarked as he kissed my forehead.

"How did you sleep?" I asked him.

"Obviously really well I mean here you are already drinking coffee," he commented chuckling.

"Sam was scratching at the door so I had to come let him out and I didn't want to go back to bed," I told him.

"You should have woken me to let him out," he commented.

I shook my head.

"No no you need to rest," I told him as I messed up his already bed head of hair.

"You are the one who works outside this house 5 days a week you need to rest," he told me.

"We have the entire day to spend in bed together," I told him.

"That's very true darling," he remarked happily.

"So why complain I didn't rejoin you?" I asked jokingly.

"Cause your love keeps me warm," he teased.

I rolled my eyes.

"Very smooth loverboy," I told him as I decided to go inside to shower and put on more comfy clothes.

"Loverboy? That's new," he commented as he followed me.

I went to put my coffee cup in the sink and Andy went to make himself one.

"Yes loverboy," I told him.

He chuckled.

"I could get used to that nickname," he replied.

"Okay, loverboy. I'm going to go rinse off and get ready for the day," I told him as I hugged him from behind.

He was standing by the coffee pot and he was stirring his cup.

"Sounds good darling I will join you in a few," he remarked.

I disappeared to get ready. Sundays were my favorite like I said before. No one to see, nowhere to go. 

After rinsing off and getting dressed, Andy was waiting on the bed drinking his coffee.

"Ta-da," I remarked jokingly.

"You stole my sweatshirt how dare you," he teased.

It was his "Malibu" one. I liked how it fit me. 

"So? I've had it for like the last 2 weeks," I asked as I sat down on the bed.

"It looks nice on you darling," he remarked as he put the coffee down.

"Thanks," I remarked as I brushed my hair out.

"How did I not notice that go missing?" Andy asked himself.

"I don't know I've worn it a few times while I've seen you in the past few weeks," I replied as I went to put my brush up.

"It's been that long? Good lord," he remarked chuckling.

"Yeah good lord," I teased back.

"You are mean," he pretended to fake cry.

I rolled my eyes.

"I think you are being extra dramatic Mr. Gibb," I told him as I crawled back on the bed.

"You think so?" he asked as he looked at me.

I chuckled.

"Very much so I think I'm keeping this sweater to myself," I told him.

"But I like it," he told me.

"I hardly see you wear it anymore," I told him.

"That's cause you stole it and it went missing," he retorted.

I shook my head.

"Finders keepers," I told him as I laid back to get comfy.

"Nuh-uh," he replied.

"Then after I take off today, and it gets washed, it'll be yours again," I told him as I rested my eyes.

He chuckled.

"You really are nonchalant today darling aren't ya," he commented as he adjusted to lay next to me.

"Yes," I replied not opening an eye.

I could feel him adjusting so he would be lying and facing toward me.

I peeped one eye open and he indeed was staring at me.

"Why are you staring?" I asked him.

"Cause I like admiring what's mine," he told me. 

I smiled.

"That was cute loverboy," I told him.

"Is that my new nickname?" he asked curiously as he laid an arm over me to bring me closer to his side.

"Maybe I don't know I just started saying it," I commented as I adjusted my pillow.

We were now face to face. 

"It's cute. I'm glad you are finally warming up to me," he commented quietly.

I smiled.

"How could I not warm up to you? Have you seen you?" I told him quietly.

Without me opening my eyes, he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"You say I'm a sap darling. You are such a sap," he remarked closely to my ear.

I shivered at his close proximity.

"Shush," I remarked as I opened my eyes to see him looking at me.

"Gladly," he remarked as he kissed me.

I smiled to myself as our Sunday was off to a wonderful start. 

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