Chapter 62

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I was depressed if you could call it that. I woke up the next day and reality had settled in. Violet was across the ocean on another continent. 

I didn't want to do anything. After yesterday's very early and emotional day, I wanted to make sure I was okay to head to work tomorrow.

I glanced at the clock and it was already past 8.

"Are you okay darling?" Andy asked quietly as I readjusted and faced him.

"I will be," I told him.

He sighed.

"Violet will be calling sometime today or tomorrow. It's not like it was goodbye. It was just see you later," he told me quietly.

"Right right," I replied mumbled.

"Do you want me to see if the coffee is ready?" he asked quietly again.

"Sure," I replied not even bothering to sit up or move.

Andy got up and headed down the hall to the kitchen while I was wallowing in self-pity.

I felt like a disgrace. It wasn't like Violet died. But it brought up other feelings with her being so far away.

Andy came back after a few with two cups.

"Here ya go darling," Andy commented as he handed me my coffee.

"Thanks, honey," I told him as I grabbed the cup.

"Of course. We got to get you out of this funk," he commented as he rejoined me on the bed.

I smiled as I sipped my coffee. I really did need to get out of this funk.

"Why don't we get ready and go for a drive? Maybe to that little spot in Malibu, we've gone to?" Andy asked as he turned the TV on.

"That would be nice," I told him.

Violet told me she'd call once she and Grandma were settled. She said most likely she'd call in the early morning on Monday since I'd be going off to work anyway. And the time zone difference since here in LA it would be like 5 o'clock, it would be 2 o'clock in Amsterdam.

So, after getting my butt in gear, we got ready and headed out to Malibu. We weren't looking to stay all day. Just enough to get me out and my mind off Violet leaving.

The drive was quiet. Andy didn't speak a word. Neither did I. I was having major flashbacks to last March when we celebrated his birthday.

We pulled up to the beach and paid for the parking spot.

"I always was told that sun and nature were healers," Andy told me.

It was weird to be the one being encouraged and talked to.

"I have too. I'm glad the sun is out today," I remarked as we got out of the car and walked the path to the beach.

Sam tagged along with us so Andy had him on his leash and was trying to keep up with his tugging.

"Sam slow down," Andy commented as he pulled on the leash lightly.

For an older dog, he had a lot of spunk when it came to normal dog activities.

I chuckled as I watched Andy momentarily struggle.

"Darling maybe you should walk him," Andy told me after a second.

"Okay okay fine. You think he'll listen to me over you his master?" I genuinely asked.

"Well maybe I mean he does love women," he joked as he handed the leash over to me.

I laughed.

"Ha-ha very funny," I told him.

"I mean, you know what I mean," he replied as we started our walk again down the beach. 

There was a certain crispness to the air of the ocean. It was truly a beautiful day to be out and one with nature.

"I suppose you have something magic 'cause Sam's not running on the leash anymore," Andy noticed after a few.

"Oh well maybe 'cause he finally got used to being on the leash again after the long car ride," I told him.

"I didn't even think of that," Andy pondered. 

"Or like you said, he just loves me," I teased back.

"Well yeah I mean I love you and he loves you too so," Andy commented with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes.

"You are too much," I told him.

"I know I can be but so can you," he told me back.

I laughed again.

I really felt like I was momentarily out of the funk I had been in since Violet boarded the plane 24 hours ago.

"You really know how to cheer a girl up don't ya," I told him.

"I learned my ways of helping myself. Now I  can help others, especially the ones I love," he told me proudly.

Walking to a new beat of a different drum on a Sunday morning.

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