Chapter 46

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"Come on you got to dress up," I begged with Andy.

Tomorrow was Halloween and Andy was refusing to dress up. I didn't ask much of him to do so. Not even a full costume. I wanted to do some makeup, like stitches, or draw him on a cat's nose and whiskers. But he was being stubborn.

"Darling I'm not a young teenager anymore. I don't find the thrill of Halloween like I used to," he commented.

I frowned.

"Okay well I guess I'll just spend the entire night with Violet and Grandma Mary," I told him as I walked out of the room.

It would be our first official Halloween together and plus it was technically our 6 month weekend anniversary anyhow. 

"Wait darling," Andy followed me.

I turned to look at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Look I didn't mean to make you sad or frustrated," he commented.

He sounded and looked sincere.

"I just wanted us to spend our first Halloween together and make it fun. Even if we don't hand out candy, just for memory purposes," I told him.

One thing from my previous relationship was Jackson never wanted to do anything. And if he did, it always benefited him. I wanted to try and change my perspective on how relationships work.

"Well now I feel like I messed up. I don't want you to get messed up feelings on me," he commented.

"I don't have any messed up feelings about you honey. I just wanted us to do something special for our first Halloween," I replied.

"I guess I wouldn't be so mad if you did some makeup on me," he told me.

I smiled. He was willing to compromise.

"I promise that whatever makeup I draw, it won't be ugly. I could do just a little black nose and whiskers or I could draw stitches on your face here and here," I gestured to his face.

"See I don't know why I was overthinking it a few minutes ago. It sounds fun darling," he told me as he kissed my forehead.

"I don't want you do to something you don't wanna do but I think it would be fun," I told him as I looked at him.

"You aren't making me do anything, darling. I want to," he responded. 

"So anyhow, going back to something different, what are your plans for Saturday?" I asked him curiously.

"Well like I told you the other day, I have some reservations at that one restaurant in Paris. Then, we can go see and movie, and then you can come back to my place and spend the night if you would like," he told me.

 This man's accent had me melt like butter. Every time he said something like "Paris," it made me melt like sugar for some reason.

"It sounds absolutely perfect," I told him as we separated from the embrace he had on me.

We had been standing in my hall for the past 10 minutes talking.

"So what movie would you wanna go see?" he asked as we walked back to my living room.

I pondered. 

"Well, there's that one movie Peggy Sue Got Married. Violet said it was good," I told him.

"We shall look into it and then watch it," he told me as we settled down in the big recliner.

I loved the recliner so much. It made everything more cozy. 

I glanced at the clock. We had an hour before the AA meeting with Violet.

"I guess we shouldn't get too comfy 'cause we are gonna have to go pick Violet up here in a half-hour,"  I told Andy.

He sighed.

"Right how could I forget about the AA meeting?" he replied.

"I don't know," I chuckled.

"So I've been now sober for 5 months?"Andy asked out loud.

"To my knowledge, yes you've been sober for 5 months and I am so proud of you," I told him as I kissed his cheek.

He smiled as he turned to kiss my lips. 

"And I'm steady and on my feet cause you've helped me darling," he told me proudly.

"I'm glad we finally figured out we were suppose to be together," I told him.

"You know it must have been written in the stars for us to be together," he remarked.

"I guess so I mean who really knows what the universe holds," I told him.

"Well yes darling but if you really think about it. How lucky did I get to meet you when I was in Betty Ford? You saw me at my lowest and yet here I am at my highest," he remarked.

"That's true I didn't think of it like that. I'm just glad we complement each other so well," I expressed.

He smiled.

"I think so too," he replied happily.

As the time ticked by, the more and more we both got more comfortable and realized we needed to get up and go get Violet.

"We can come home after the AA meeting and snuggle up okay?" I told him as I stood up and held my hand out to him.

"Promise? Cause I love sitting in the recliner with you," he asked as he took my hand.

"Yes I promise now let's get refreshed and go ahead and leave to get Violet," I told him.

"Fine I better get extra snuggles in though tonight," he told me.

I chuckled.

"I promise," I held my pinky out to him.

"Good," he told me with a smile.

Fast forward to after the AA meeting, it was now Andy's turn to bring refreshments for the next meeting.

"So what do you want to bring? I can help make cookies or some cakes," I told Andy as we walked into my house.

"I think cakes would be good. A little easier to make 2 or 3 cakes instead of like what 3 dozen cookies?" he asked.

"Yeah when Violet did her snack turn, we ended up buying cookies from a bakery and saying we made them. I used to do that in home economics in high school," I told him.

"You cheated?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes.

"No, I didn't cheat technically. I just was using my resources to my advantage," I replied.

"I guess if I had gone to regular school I would have probably done the same thing except they would have made it somehow cause I was the Bee Gees brother," he commented.

"I guess some what-ifs arent worth our energy," I told him as I went to the kitchen to make some tea.

I had a slight headache and hoped warm tea and television would help it go away.

Andy followed me to the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Did you remember our promise?" he asked.

I chuckled.

"After we shower, we can sit in the big recliner," I told him.

"Good," he told me as he kissed the top of my head.

A cozy evening was in store. 

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