Chapter 22

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"I didn't think I'd get a bloody nose during dinner I am so sorry," I remarked as we left the restaurant. 

Andy and I had been at our dinner date and right in the middle, I had a bloody nose come on. In recent years, I have not had any of those. But, I used to when I was little and would always get them at school. Perhaps it was an anxiety thing.

"No need to apologize I'm just glad it stopped finally," Andy remarked as we walked to the car.

"I feel like it was the weirdest thing to happen to me recently," I told him.

He chuckled.

"It's not that big of a deal," he told me as he opened the car door for me.

"Thank you," I commented as I got into the car.

I took a sigh of relief as we settled into the car. We were supposed to go to the movies now but I was hesitant. 

"Did you still want to go to the movies? We could always go back to my place if it's easier since you had a bloody nose," Andy said.

In my heart, I knew he didn't have ill intentions. He was very sweet and careful with everything.

"I mean whatever you'd like. I'm not good at picking or making decisions," I replied as I buckled up.

He chuckled at my comment.

"Really?" he asked as he turned the car on.

"Yeah I'm not the greatest at picking stuff," I told him as he pulled out of the parking lot of the restaurant.

"Well, then why don't we just go back to my house? I'm sure there is a movie we can watch from the comfort of the home instead," Andy commented.

"S-sure," I replied nervously.

I was a 26-year-old grown woman nervous about going back to a guy's place. What has happened to me?

The drive to Andy's house was quiet. I had never been to his place in all the months we've known each other.

The silence was defying on the drive on the freeway.

"You're awfully quiet is something the matter?" Andy asked me as we came to a stop.

The traffic was bottlenecking going into the beach area.

I turned my attention to him.

"I'm sorry I get lost in my own thoughts," I told him.

He smiled at me.

"I do that a lot," he chuckled.

"Yeah I mean don't get me wrong you are doing everything fine I'm just," I remarked.

"Nervous?" he asked.

I sighed.

"Yeah nervous," I told him.

Andy paused for a second.

"Have any guys wronged you before? I promise I'm not that way," he defended. 

I panicked.

"No no, I wasn't thinking you were like a bad person. The only thing is I've only been in one relationship before and I just don't know how to act I guess on a first date," I explained as the traffic started moving.

"It's got to be difficult and different but we'll take it one step at a time I promise you," Andy replied as he reached for my hand.

I felt a little less nervous. It was the thought of giving someone yourself and time to someone after so long. I thought how could this sweet man sitting next to me get taken advantage of and used?

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