Chapter 102

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"So when's the wedding? Terri said you were getting married?" my new coworker Alisha asked me as we stood in the break room.

I totally forgot I had lied to Terri after the trip that I was engaged. Now it was a bit of a buzz amongst my coworkers.

"Oh right the wedding. We're still thinking about places and how soon we want the wedding to be," I commented as I poured my cup of coffee for the morning meeting.

"It's a beautiful ring. Have we ever met him? Roy, it is right?" she asked me as I stirred my coffee.

"Y-yeah Roy. No, he likes to keep my work separate from his life. He's a musician," I told her.

That wasn't a total lie.

"Oh, a musician? Have I heard his music before?" she asked as she made her coffee.

"No he's looking to land a contract," I told her.

Again, that wasn't a complete lie.

"Oh nice well congratulations all around," she told me as we walked to the meeting room.

"Thank you," I told her as we settled into the meeting room.

The rest of the day went onward and then we were easily on our way home.

I arrived to Andy outside on the front porch putting up a few last-minute Halloween decorations.

"Hi love," I commented from the driveway as I got out of my car.

"Hi darling," he remarked as I walked up the driveway.

"Where did you find these?" I gestured to some Halloween signs.

We were about 5 days out from Halloween.

"Your garage. I went to look for that one tub of fall stuff you said you wanted to put out and found these instead," he told me.

"I hadn't seen these in years. These used to be put up at my parents' house when I was growing up," I remarked.

"Really? That's crazy darling," he told me as I looked at all the decor he had put up since I went to to work this morning.

"And I decided against that spider web thing except here on the stair case rod," he told me.

"That's fine love I'm excited you decorated," I told him as he gestured for us to head inside.

When we got inside, he had put out several of the vintage decorations from my parent's stuff for Halloween. On the coffee table, he put out a Halloween table cloth and black candles too.

"Since when did you know how to decorate?" I asked him chuckling.

"I got bored today after waiting to hear back from Barry about a potential contract so I thought if I got busy, I would hear something," he told me.

"Oh well, you did very nicely with your time. I love that you did this," I told him as I went to wash up from work.

"I was worried you wouldn't like it for some reason," Andy told me.

"You have no reason to worry love. I am so happy you found this box of stuff. I forgot I even had it," I replied.

"How can you forget you had these?" he asked.

"I don't know I haven't decorated for Halloween in years," I told him.

"I see," he replied as he followed me to the kitchen.

I then saw he had found another tablecloth that was Halloween.

"I'm glad this was a surprise to you," Andy told me as I went to pour us drinks.

I was craving an iced tea all day at work so I went to make us some.

"So plans for Halloween we will give out candy till about 8:30?" Andy confirmed.

"Yes and I guess if we have any left over we can leave the bowl out for the straggler trick or treaters or we can save it for ourselves," I told him.

"Sounds like a plan darling," Andy told me.

A nice evening was in store.

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