Chapter 39

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"You have never eaten at a hot dog stand?" Andy teased after we had ordered hot dogs at this one stand in the park in New York.

It was our last day in New York before going back to reality. Andy had some gigs at the Fairmont coming up after we got back home. He really was back on his feet solid. He was also in talks with Barry about new material and songs to work on as well. 

"No, I've never eaten at one. I guess I've never had the chance to try 'em back home," I told Andy.

The hot dog stand owner laughed as he handed Andy the first one.

Violet and Grandma had found a food truck a few steps over and ordered some kind of box of food.

We waited for the second one which was mine. I wanted the hot dog with all the works including onions and relish.

The hot dog stand owner finished up and gave us the last one. He also gave us napkins.

We went to join Violet and Grandma at a table they found.

I looked at Violet's box of food. It was cheese fries with bacon. Grandma had gotten the same thing.

"You guys got hot dogs instead of these?" Violet asked as she chewed.

I chuckled as I sat down.

"Well she's never had a hot dog from a stand before so I thought New York was a perfect place for her to try it," Andy commented.

Violet laughed. So did Grandma.

"A hot dog is a hot dog, isn't it?" Grandma asked me.

I shook my head. 

"You can tell which hot dogs are really good quality brand name-wise and off-brand name-wise," I commented as I took a bite of the hot dog.

And the first bite was the best. 

Andy watched me for my reaction.

"So?" he asked.

"It hits the spot," I commented after I finished chewing.

He laughed.

"I'm glad darling," he told me.

We sat and enjoyed the nice New York weather and food.

After snacking in the park, we walked around and window-shopped.  I also took photos of Andy, Violet, and Grandma periodically. I also took pictures of the buildings and such. I couldn't wait to see how the pictures came out of the trip. I kept my camera around my neck.

We walked right by Tiffany's and Violet and I stopped to look in the window.

There was a silver charm bracelet that caught my eye. But I couldn't afford it right now with the holidays and bills that would come up.

"Oh that's so pretty," I pointed to the bracelet.

"What is?" Andy asked as he stood behind me to see what I was talking about.

"That bracelet but it's over 100 dollars and I don't really need it. I always wanted a Tiffany bracelet since I was little," I remarked as we continued walking.

"It is pretty," Andy commented.

Violet and I went into Bloomingdale's to browse. We had never stepped into one before. 

"Where did Andy go?" Grandma asked me.

"Huh? He was right behind me," I told her.

"The gentleman that was with you? He disappeared back out the door," the clerk told me.

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