Chapter 46: Last Day of PAX & Heading Home

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Tucker's POV:

"Sonja wake up, it's the last day of PAX and our plane is at nine today, you can sleep then" I nudged my wife who was peacefully snoring away next to me. In a flash, she was out of bed and already pulling on her pants. I stretched and weaseled out of bed.

"Breakfast or not?" I asked Sonja who was in the bathroom applying a layer of make up. She paused midway through her eyeliner application.

"How about we stop by Jamba Juice and then we can have lunch at the convention and then perhaps dinner at the airport. Also our flight is at midnight not nine" Sonja said and went back to doing her makeup.

We got an uber to the nearest Jamba Juice, ordered drinks and then made our way to the convention center. Instantly being mobbed by fans, we pushed through to the Twitch booth and did a small panel about starting Twitch broadcasting. Every day I feel like Sonja and I inspire so many people, it's amazing.

After the panel, Sonja said she had a 'Woman In Gaming Panel' she had to present at and we parted ways, me going to meet GoldGlove and talk about a future series we would be making.

The day continued, Sonja and I meeting up at about five to have a small lunch. We sat at a small circular table, a large bowl of salad in between us. Sonja's head dropped and came back up, repeatedly.

"Tired?" I asked, making her snap awake and smile lazily at me.

"Very. Conventions for me are exhausting" she said, rubbing her eyelids.

"Conventions are exhausting for everybody Sonj" I answered, sighing and leaning my cheek onto the palm of my right hand.

We finished eating and agreed to go to the main presentation room so we could check out the new games to be released in a few months.

"Isn't this awesome that we can see these games and play them way before the majority of the crowd can" I asked Sonja.

"It's the best" she said, pressing the X button on the controller over and over, her face expression becoming more lively by the second.

Because we were broadcasters and YouTubers by job, we were able to keep some games and show them off to our viewers closer to the release date.

"Tucker" Sonja poked me in the middle of a Mortal Combat game. I paused it.

"What's up?" I turned my head to see Sonja's wrist with her watch on it in front of my face.

"Is that the time, oh no!" I almost dropped the controller.

Sonja's watch read nine thirty in the evening.

"The center is open until eleven today, not nine like usual" Sonja's eyes read panic.

I grabbed her hand and rushed out of the pavilion, saying goodbye to friends and fans along the way. We ran to the hotel, grabbed our already packed suitcases and quickly hired a taxi for the airport.

"Time?" I asked, out of breath from running around, once we were inside the cold taxi.

"Ten" Sonja looked scared.

"Driver, how long to the airport?" I rushed the taxi driver.

"No more than thirty minutes" the guy answered with a thick Texas accent.

I nodded, looking at Sonja.

"We'll be fine" I said, trying to calm both Sonja and myself down.

We got to the airport at ten forty sharp and weaved our way through the crowds of passengers. The line through security was extremely long.

"Sonja, stay in line, I need to go somewhere" I rushed off, coming back ten minutes later. Sonja was on her phone.

"Our flight is on time and boarding starts in half an hour" she put her phone in the front pocket of her black jeans.

"We'll be fine" I said again, glancing at my red wristwatch.

We got through security twenty minutes after our plane started boarding. Which meant we had a mere ten minutes to get to our airplane.

"Let's get our exercise in" I tried to lighten the atmosphere as we took off running to our gate which was sadly on the other side of the huge airport.

Puffing and breathing heavily we stepped inside the plane, the clerk closing the door behind us.

"We made it" I plopped down next to Sonja who was in turn sitting next to the window trying to catch her breath.

"I guess we're purchasing a meal in the air, I'm starving" she said, clutching her stomach.

I nodded, glancing at the SkyMall magazine that always granted me a few laughs.

An airplane ride, a meal and a short taxi ride later, we were home. Sonja proceeded to fall face down onto the carpet, being greeted by Grizz liking her face and Gonzo purring.

"Welcome home" I laid down on the floor next to Sonja who was now petting the cat.

A few moments later we fell into a deep slumber.

A/N: This was a sort of filler chapter :D Things go down in the next one.

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