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"yes. It hurts. I think you need to massage my tummy a bit" Pran groaned annoyedly and walked back to the bed. He sat down beside Pat and looked down at Pat's tummy. It was toned. Just perfect. Pran doesn't remember how many times he wanted to touch those abs and muscles. Now that Pat wants him to touch those his brain is short-circuiting. Pat got impatient and moaned. He faked a hurtful expression and touched his tummy. Pran panicked and quickly touched the hot flushed skin against his finger pads. His abs were firm and much better than his imagination. Pat smiled when Pran started to actually massage his tummy. More specifically his lower tummy. It feels nice to have someone's touch. It felt much better because it was Pran, an alpha. His pheromones were awesome. Although Pran cannot smell Pat's pheromones because of the pills. Pat won't be able to enjoy Pran's sweet pheromone after his heat ends and that makes him feel a bit sad.

"Why is your pheromone sweet? Someone could mistake you for an omega. " Pran laughed at Pat's question and shook his head because of how silly his question was.

"This is an unrealistic standard. Not every alpha has a weird, bad, manly smell. Like me, thousands of alphas smell sweet and nice. You know omega's can smell like the typical alpha scent right? Now that I think about it... You kinda smell like an alpha. " Pat thought for a moment before nodding his head.

"You smell nice Pran... I like it... Can you do my laundry? Paa always does them but they don't smell nice" Pran looked at Pat weirdly and gagged. But Pat seemed serious.

"Oh, you are serious? "

"yes! Pran was flabbergasted. He smacked a pat on his lower tummy where he was massaging. Making Pat giggle. Pran knew at that moment that Pat wasn't in pain. He was just faking it. But It felt nice just being them. No one was there to judge. No one was there to remind them that they were rivals.

"You smell bad... I mean your perfume..." Pran commented and looked away from Pat. Pat widened his eyes and gasped.

"What about my pheromones? "

"I don't remember..." Pran was a bit too quick to answer and Pat looked hurt by that. Pat wished Pran would say his pheromones smelled nice as well. Watching Pat grow sad over the comment Pran felt sorry for Pat.

"I guess you kinda did smell nice... I would've gaged if you smelled too bad-"

"I knew it! People always say I smell nice. And they always doubt if I'm actually an alpha because of my pheromone-"

"They were right though. You are not an alpha" Pran made an ugly face to annoy Pat but Pat didn't feel annoyed. He felt happy for some reason.

"Don't tell anyone that I'm not an alpha... Pran... I would like to continue this lie... It made my life so much easier" Pran realised how Pat's one lie is his whole life now. He is the class president because of his lie, a rugby player because of his lie, won multiple awards because of his lie, built his body because of his lie, and his father did not torture him because of his lie. Pran can't afford to take this perfect life away from Pat. Pran smiled and nodded his head. They had lots of secrets and this would be one of them.

Pat fell asleep as Pran was massaging his lower belly. Pran noticed that Pat's boner wasn't as big as before so he guessed Pat's heat was going away. Pran quietly left the room and left a Post-it note.

'You can come to my room if you need anything'
-your forever neighbour

Pat woke up the next day around the afternoon. He slept like a log with his apartment full of Pran's sweet pheromones. When he woke up he immediately saw the pink post-it note. He smiled and blushed because it felt like such a warm gesture from Pran. He giggled when he read it. Pran is so cute.

His heat surprisingly tamed down so he got out of his apartment and knocked on pran's. Hoping pran was here. After waiting for a while Pat decided that he was not at home. He turned around to enter his home but Pran's door opened.

"Oh hi," Pran smiled at Pat and let him enter his home. Pat was surprised by it because Pran hated it when Pat tried to get in.

"Are you okay now? " Pran asked. Pat looked around Pran's room. It was bigger than his. Probably cost more than his.

"yeah... Kinda... " Pat sat on the couch and looked around Pran's organized desk. Pran is quite artistic and his room looked nice too.

Pat felt warm breath on his cheeks and turned to look at it and-

"AHHH" Pat screamed at how close Pran's face was. Their face was almost touching and that made Pat's face heat up. Pran just smiled and sat beside Pat.

"What do you need? Why are you here? " Pran pulled his phone out and opened Instagram. Pat glanced at it and immediately looked away when he saw a picture of a half-naked guy.

" I don't need anything... I just came to... " Pat stopped. He actually doesn't have any reason. He just felt like coming so he came. Pran chuckled and turned around. He pushed his face to be just 1 inch away from Pat's face.

"I told you yesterday that if you need anything you can come to me... And today you are here... What can I do for you krap? " Pat exhaled sharply. He wanted to turn his face around to see Pran but that would make his lip brush against Pran's face or even kiss Pran.

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