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Pat ran to Pran's room and started getting ready for the day.  He needs to go back to his dorm to pick up his bag. He doesn't wanna be late for class. 

Pran got out of the bathroom and met with his dad smirking at him. He gave his dad a weird look and started walking towards his room. 

"use protection son.  He is an omega" Pran rolled his eyes and turned to face his dad.

"what is wrong with you and Mae? " he ran to his room and closed the door.  Pat raised his eyebrows at Pran. 

"My parents are crazy.  They keep telling me to use protection.  " Pat giggled and hugged Pran.

"They are just worried."

"They are weird! " pran opened his closet and started getting dressed. 

"your pants are kinda loose on me.  I think I'm a size smaller than you" Pat opened the door and they both walked downstairs. 

Pran's mom was making breakfast while his dad was reading the newspaper.  Pat greeted them both and sat at the dining table with Pran.

"I miss my dad. Dad always read newspapers and cursed the government.  "

"your dad came here yesterday after you fell asleep.  He wanted to take you back...  He said you are still his son and he would like to have you back" Pat lost his smile and stared at Pran.

"I don't wanna go back... He knows he can't do anything about our relationship but he will bad-mouth you and your family...  I don't think I can listen to him do that anymore. I would rather not see him.  " pran nodded his head and hugged Pat. 

"It's okay Pat" Pran's mother stared at them.  Pran never liked hugging. Even as a child, he used to refuse to hug her but after years of forcing him to hug her, he does it now.  He doesn't hug his father or anyone else.  But watching Pran hug his mate made her feel warm inside.  Her son wasn't emotionally unavailable. 

"I made pancakes.  Do you want anything else Pat? " Pat shook his head and took his plate. 

"I'm gonna have to leave.  I have a class today. " Pran's mom pouted.  Pat chuckled because Pran made the same pout. 

"Okay.  Eat well before you go" Pat ate a lot. He forgot about the current diet he was on to lose some weight. Pran's mom looked contained watching him eat so well. 

"you are making a mess Pat! " pran took a tissue and started to clean Pat's mouth. 

"Why are you so messy?  Gosh! " Pat stared at Pran.  A hint of fear in his eyes.  Pran's dad chuckled and nudged Pran's mom.

"pran is a photocopy of you.  If he was a girl he probably would've looked like you too. " pran's mom nodded and watched the new mates bicker. 

It was time for Pat to leave. Pran also got ready to leave.  Pran's mom looked sad but decided not to be selfish this time.  Pran needed to stay with Pat for mental support. 

"pat.  Take care of yourself and come back again"

"thank you uncle for taking care of me.  Thank you Aunty your cooking is the best.  I'll go now" Pat looked at his house.  He had his car there.  He could take it because he had the keys but he didn't want to. 

"uber is here Pat.  Hurry" Pran waved his parents goodbye and left holding Pat's hand. 

"they are cute" Pran's father hugged his wife. 

"I feel sorry for Pat... I'm somehow the one to blame...  If I wasn't this harsh on him since he was a kid...  Maybe Ming would've warmed up to Pran as well...  Then who knows maybe they could've found out about their fate when they had their first rut and heat"

"yeah...  I remember the first time Pran had his rut...  Pat was in heat at the same time.  Pran was screaming and crying." pran's dad was the one checking up on Pran from time to time because he was getting shy when his mother went inside his room.  Pran kept glancing at the window.  Now it all makes sense. 

"Whatever happens happens for the best.  Imagine knowing your 15-year-old son is mating with the boy next door in his room. " they laughed thinking how awkward it would've been.  They are open-minded but not that open-minded.

"yeah...  Now they are adult.  They know what's best for them.  Pran rolled his eyes when I told him to use protection." pran's mom looked shocked at her husband. They are both teasing that poor boy. 

"Really?  He got embarrassed when I told him to. "

"let's not assume anything here" Pran's dad closed the door. He remembered how Pran reacted.  He would hate to know his parents were having a conversation like this.  But them being fated mates told the whole world about their doings and what that meant. 

"hmmm...  Okay... "

"I bet my son is good at it though-" Pran's mom cut him from saying more. 

"We just agreed not to assume-"

"Okay" Pran's dad agreed and continued his work. 

Pat never contacted his family again.  He wanted to be left alone.  He felt much better now that he wasn't being pressured to be a perfect son.  He moved in officially with Pran a few months ago.  Now they live together. Pat also got a job in the bar Wai works at.  But their relationship isn't that great yet. 

"hi my baby-"

"yack" Pran glared in the direction where someone was vomiting. 

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