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"marry?  I have not married him yet... " Pran looked behind him. Pat was still in the living room. Pran looked ahead of him and realised that Pat was waiting patiently for Pran to propose. He has been waiting for so long. He occasionally calls him his husband and says he likes the sound of it. Pran isn't dumb.  He knows Pat has been hinting at him to get on his knees...  But is it the right moment though?  Pat is still recovering.  He bleeds if he moves too much.  And knowing Pat.  He would get too excited if Pran proposed to him now.  He needs to wait until Pat is okay and back to his old self. 

Pran got started with assembling Owen's room. They ordered everything a while ago but Pat didn't let Pran assemble it saying that gender is important. Pran bought everything in pink, blue and green. He didn't care about the colour nor the gender.

"pat! Come here. I'm done with the bed" Pat slowly walked inside the room while holding his belly.

"oh it's big enough for me to cuddle with him" Pat said and hugged Pran.

"no!  You are a 6 feet giant.  Taller than me.  It might break Pat" Pat laughed and pouted.

"I know it's good to let babies sleep on their own but...  My heart hurts to think about him sleeping alone... " Pran nodded his head.

"they say it's safe because if we are not careful their little hands or legs get trapped under our body and god forbid anything worse can happen anytime " Pat closed his eyes and pressed his index finger to Pran's mouth.

"Can you not? I'm gonna get a heart attack. "

"Okay okay... We will set up a baby monitor.  We will know if anything happens. He will be safe... " Pat nodded and sat on a chair.  Pran got started with the closet and table to put the monitor.

"but pran.  We always slept in between our parents...  We are also the first child...  We are fine...  We never had any problems...  Our parents were never careless and we-"

"We can sleep with baby too...  It's not a rule. We can keep him with us until we feel safe to keep him alone.  " Pat nodded and got up from the chair.

"kiss? " Pran smiled and kissed Pat's lips.  It's been so long since they've kissed.  Pran kept his distance from Pat in the hospital and Pat hated Pran touching him even the slightest.

"I missed you pran" Pran smiled and hugged Pat. 

"I missed you too Pat...  Are you okay with me touching you now?  You hated me in the hospital. " Pat chuckled and nodded.

"don't try to do anything though.  I've still not recovered yet.  You can't even hug me this tight pran.  It hurts" Pran quickly pulled back and lifted Pat's shirt to check if he was bleeding. He wasn't but Pran made Pat sit back down. 

"sorry...  Should you be at home though?  You could still bleed anytime. " Pat nodded.

"I am fine.  Do you want me to stay in the hospital for more days?  We will go broke" Pran was taken aback.

"right.  Hospital bills are too high.  Shouldn't it be cheaper? " Pat shrugged. Society never made sense to Pat. Pran was done setting up the closet and the baby monitor. Owen started crying soon after. Pat tried to hurry back to the couch where Owen was but it was nearly impossible for him to walk fast. As he was standing in pain he heard Pran Baby talking to Owen in the living room.

"Oh no my baby~ are you hungry? Did you poop or pee? Oh no, ~ dada will change you now" Pat realised Pran flew out of the room as soon as he heard Owen cry. Pat slowly walked back to the couch and Couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Pran undressing Owen and changing him on top of the table.

"Pran..." Pat called out but Pran was focused on the diaper. He was learning how to use it. Owen was still crying and throwing his arms and legs around.

"I'll help you" Pat walked to Pran and sat beside him.

"You need to clean him before opening a diaper. " Pat took the diaper from Pran's hands.

"Oh! Right!" pran took the old diaper off Owen and cleaned him with a wet tissue.

"Pran we shouldn’t change his diaper on the coffee-"

"I know. But he was crying so I Didn't think it through. Sorry," pran smiled awkwardly. Pat nodded his head and helped Pran put the diaper on Owen.

"I watched a lot of videos... I Don't know why I feel so nervous. " pran took Owen back in his arms. He forgot to dress Owen back in his clothes.

"I know... I'm nervous too... I only got to meet him when it was feeding time... I never got to care for him... You didn’t either. It's normal to feel nervous. We'll learn" Pran nodded his head and stared at Owen.

"He will get cold. Lemme wrap him in a blanket." Pat wrapped Owen in a blanket and took the bottle out to feed him. But Pran had another plan. He lifted Pat's shirt and squeezed Pat's left boob.

"Oi! What's wrong with you?" Pat whispered and looked at Owen. Owen got excited to finally get milk. He was reaching out to the bottle.

"Breastfeed him? I think you can try to breastfeed him. You pump enough milk for him every day." Pat looked at Pran like he said the bad words in front of Owen.

"Shut up!"

"No... I mean you Don't have to... But you can if you want to... I- it just got weird. Imma go clean" Pran left the scene quickly while Pat was still staring at him with wide eyes. And Owen was still trying to reach out to the bottle and drink the milk. Pat noticed his baby's struggle to to reach the bottle with his small hands so he pressed the bottle against his lips.  Owen happily started sucking on the bottle.  Closing his eyes and taking small breaths. Pat stared at Owen and started talking to himself.

"Should I try to breastfeed? Isn't it weird?... I'm a guy... But I lactated and gave birth... But I'm still a guy... But every mother breastfeeds? At least my mom did... Am I ashamed?... No! Then why is it Weird to feed my own baby my milk straight from my chest? But I Don't have big nipples like women... Will he be able to get any milk out of it?"

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