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It's no wonder that Pat couldn't walk normally for the next couple of days.  Pran was scared that he had gone too rough and hurt Pat.  So when they both didn't have classes Pran took part in a hospital.  It was embarrassing for Pat.  He never went to any doctor for being injured in his ass.  And he was preparing for the doctor to ask the weirdest questions.  Was Pran gonna be in the room?  It would be too embarrassing if the doctor inserted something to look inside.  Or if the doctor is putting their finger inside.  He doesn't wanna look like that in front of the love of his life!  It's too embarrassing!  And as an alpha,  will Pran be able to watch it? 

Pran almost dragged Pat inside the room when it was their time.  The doctor was a female omega.  It was written on her door.  She giggled when she saw Pran dragging Pat.  There was a male assistant as well to accompany the doctor. 

"Pat behave! " pran made Pat sit on the chair.  Pat tried to hide his face but couldn't because Pran had already guessed what he was about to do and held his hands. 

"so?  Why are you guys visiting us today? " the doctor was sweet.  She smiled at Pat trying to ease his discomfort. 

"pat!  Speak! " pran nudged his but he didn't talk.  He was the shade of tomatoes now.  Pran smiled awkwardly at the doctor.

"Sorry.  He is just embarrassed and I took his permission before making an appointment I promise.

"oh no it's okay.  We understand. Male omegas tend to be ashamed of stuff like that. "

"Pat? Want me to talk to her instead? " Pat nodded his head. Pran smiled awkwardly again and took a deep breath.  He didn't know Pat was gonna be this embarrassed.  If he knew he wouldn't make him come here. 

"We had sexual intercourse 3 days ago and he still has difficulty walking fast or sitting quickly" She nodded and looked at Pat.

"pat?  Is it okay for me to examine you?" Pat nodded.

"okay then lay on the bed please" Pat glanced at the bed in her office and stood up. Pat sighed in relief when Pran didn't stand up with him. 

"take your pants off before laying down." Pat was about to take his pants off when the assistant covered the area with a curtain.  He sighed once again.  At least it won't be as embarrassing as he thought.  He is nervous as well... What if he is injured there like Pran was saying. Pat lay down and the doctor started to examine him.

" it seems fine but I guess it hasn't been long since you've lost your virginity." Pat hummed and closed his eyes.  It was embarrassing but a relief that he was okay.

The doctor told Pat to wear his pants and come out.  Pran was still sitting in the chair and waiting. 

"he is fine.  No injuries and is very healthy.  He probably wasn't prepared enough when you guys had sex.  Be careful next time cause the rectum might rip.  " Pat looked at Pran and looked away immediately.  It was too embarrassing.  He thought of a question and asked immediately because it was already too embarrassing. 

"umm...  I can get pregnant? " Pat asked shocking everyone in the room. 

"yes! I already told you,  you are healthy.  If you want a child go for it.  Although Pat,  you are only 20 according to what your records say.  I will advise you to get pregnant when you are a bit older.  ". Pat nodded his head. The doctor prescribed him some meds for his pain and they both walked out of there with a lot in their mind.

Pran decided to go back to his room for the night and think before talking to Pat about anything. Meanwhile Pat was feeling frustrated with himself. They both made it clear that they Don't want a child but why did he ask that? But It's quite normal to ask that right? What if he had gotten accidentally pregnant? There are a lot of procedures that can prevent pregnancy. If pran really hates kids that much pran can do it as well.  Pat facepalmed himself and thought about the face Pran made when he asked that question.

But pat is pat. He Won't go to Pran if Pran doesn’t come by himself and talk about it. Just because you are gay doesn’t mean you will force your partner to not have kids. It has to be mutual. Even though Pat doesn’t really want kids, he might want them in the future. Now that he knows he is capable of it.

Pran on the other side was cursing himself. Did Pat want kids and his dumb ass said he Didn't? Of course, an omega capable of carrying a child will want a child. It's natural. Pran was thinking of ways to apologize to him before things got messy because Pat didn’t say a single word after that question.

Pran bought Pat's favorite foods which seem to include his mother's pad thai. He bought roses, chocolates and a little gift for Pat. A diary.

Pat may seem like a happy and carefree guy but pat holds something that he never shares with anyone. Like his fantasies, his hobbies, his dreams...

Pran wants him to share it with him. But he can't just say it. So he is gifting him a diary. He will ask him to write anything that comes to his mind. Pran Won't read it. Not until Pat permits him.

Now standing in front of Pat's open door pran was thinking if he was doing the right thing... If he misunderstood everything. If he will make the whole situation worse.

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