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Pat was surprised to see his mother tenderly loving him after so long.  He melted into her arms. He couldn't stop his tears.

"do you miss Pran already? " Pat nodded his head.  He glanced at his dad.  He wasn't much different.  He just didn't know how to react.  He kept staring at both of them.  When he saw Pat looking he took the luggage out of his hand. 

"come to our house tonight" Pat nodded his head at his dad. He didn’t want to stay alone tonight.

At home, he saw Pa and Ink cuddling on the couch. He felt jealous. His dad might say he accepts him but in reality, he will never be able to watch them like this. He went straight to his room and didn’t come out the whole night. Pa was sad that her brother didn’t even bother saying hi. But she also understood how he must be feeling.

Pa texted Pat at night despite being in the next room with ink.

"Hi Hia... You didn’t say hi" Pat opened the text and sighed. He couldn’t say hi because he was scared he would say something wrong to them. His jealousy is wrong.

"Sorry... I was exhausted and too upset to talk" Pat sighed again and sat up in his bed.

"You can come to my room if you want to talk." Pat texted and waited for Pa and Ink to come. They knocked on his door and opened it when Pat permitted them.

Pa smiled widely and hugged her brother after so long. Ink hugged him as well. They talked for hours. Pat forgot about his lover for a bit but suddenly pran's room's light flicked on. That caught his eye. He saw Pran's mom come into Pran's room and caress his picture. She might not show how much being away from her son hurts her. And how much she misses her. But Pat knows she misses him. She keeps Pat close because Pat is a part of Pran. When Pran started dating Pat he distanced himself from his mother. He didn’t visit her as much or spend time with her when he came to Bangkok. She didn't get the chance to visit him in Singapore also.

Pran's mom cleaned his room and turned the light off. Pat turned his attention back to his sisters.

"Missing p'pran?" Pa asked with sad eyes. Pat nodded.

"Aww. I miss him too. It's been so long since I've seen him." ink sounded as sad.

"Two years" Pat replied and sighed.

"Only 3 months left. When he comes back we will give him a grand welcome party" Pa reminded Pat and hugged him. Pat smiled and hugged her back.

"Of course. He deserves it." ink joined in the hug. Pat stayed up at night waiting for Pran to call but he Didn't. Pat felt sad but he understood. He understood that Pran didn’t want to cry in front of him.

The next day Pat got busy again and forgot about the sadness. And it was the same for Pran. They video-called and talked like they didn’t miss each other to death.

The problem started some days later. Pat was still in his parent's house as he Didn't want to go back to his apartment... Lonely apartment...

Pat Couldn't eat anything anymore. He felt like vomiting to some smells. He was vomiting every morning. He felt tired the whole day. His mom was constantly asking what happened to him and why he wasn’t eating anything but he couldn’t answer. He Didn't know. He just thought it was a side effect of being away from fated mate.

Sudden foods made him vomit but some foods made him hungry. He was eating oranges a lot and he liked to eat bananas with Ketchup. Pa gaged every time she saw him eating those in breakfast. But Mom had enough of Pat's bullshit. She knew something was wrong. And she needed to find out. It's been a week since her son came and he is acting weird.

"Pat...listen to me... Go see a doctor or do a preg-... No... Go see a doctor." Pat frowned.

"Why? I'm perfectly fine." she shook her head annoyingly.

"Stupid. You aren’t eating properly. You are gonna get sick... And... All of your weird cravings-"

"Mom... I'm not pregnant. Chill! I'm jet-lagged" She sighed at Pat's stupidity and took a pregnancy test out of her drawer of medicines.

"Use it. You just gotta pee on it to find out"

"No mom... I... I... Know.... How to use it... I've used 20 of them once and all of them come out as negative... I Don't wanna get hurt again... " she was confused. Get hurt? What happened?

"Um... We can't risk it, Pat! Also you! Pa! You take one as well..." Pa gave her an annoyed look.

"But I took on-"

"Just do it!" Pa understood her mother. She wanted Pa to take one so Pat Doesn't feel weird taking one.

"Go both of you take these tests and come back. And if you Don't I'm gonna whip your ass. " Pat and Pa stood up taking the tests in hand.  Pat walked away but came back to her again.

"Ma... Do you have another one?" she smiled and took another one out.

"Why do you have these by the way?" she glared at him.

"Go!" Pat walked fast to the bathroom. His mom was scary sometimes. But he was now way too curious why a 54-year-old woman had them.

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