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Pat opened the door with swollen eyes and only with boxers. Pran immediately pushed him inside and locked the door in a hurry.

"Ai pat! Wear something before answering the door!" Pat rubbed his tired eyes and walked back to his desk where he was studying.

"I saw you creeping around my door through the peephole 15 minutes ago so I didn’t bother putting on clothes. Should I start putting on clothes in front of you too?" pran's heart twisted at that. Maybe Pat was hurt. He should've talked more clearly about it without waiting for the right time in his room.

"Pat... B-baby? I'm sorry"Pran placed the flower on Pat's desk over his books.

" Only one flower?" Pat rolled his eyes and stood up holding the flower. He had only one vase with fake flowers. He took the fake flowers off and placed them inside an empty drawer. The drawer that was supposed to be Pran's. He placed the one rose inside the awfully big vase.

"Also I bought you chocolates." Pat glanced at the chocolates which were candies to be exact.

"What do you want?" Pran smiled and took the boxes of food he bought.

"I want you to eat all these and be healthy. You were gonna skip dinner again right? I told you, you Don't need to diet you are perfect." Pat smiled finally and sat beside Pran. Taking the pad thai box in his hand.

"Mae?" pran nodded. Pat had become a fan of her cooking.

"Thanks." he started opening the boxes and eating straight from them. They were sitting on their bed. Pran cringed but decided he had been enough of a jerk to nag Pat today.

"I'm just gonna say it. I'm sorry Pat. I... I was childish to say I Didn't want kids... I-"

"We are too young to think about kids anyway," Pat said with his mouth full. Pran cringed once again. Pran was stunned by how casually he acted. Meaning Pat had been thinking about it as well...

"No pat... I'm serious with you. We gotta think about the future. You are capable of having kids so I can't just be a jerk and say I Don't want kids because I'm gay and never Thought of kids... " Pat stopped chewing his food and zoned out. Pran wiped the corner of his mouth and Pat started chewing again.

"We are too young but... I just gotta let you know that I... I want kids as well... But in the future... I'm not uncomfortable or mad about having kids and making a family... What type of partner would I be if I decided on my own?"

"I... I want kids in the future... I thought about it a lot and... I can't stop thinking about having them... I can give birth and I will... " Pran smiled widely at him and handed him a tissue.

"So you gotta stay healthy for my future kids." Pat smiled and rubbed his belly.

"I will lose my abs though" Pat started fake crying and Pran played the role of a good boyfriend comforting his drama king.


A few years have passed by with Pat and Pran being together like Super glue. Pat's father begged him to come back because his business was falling apart after Pat's graduation. Pran motivated him to go back to that family and all they can say is it worked for the best.

Pat being an engineer with a master's degree knew nothing about business. The company almost went bankrupt but somehow he managed. Just like he always did.

Pran went to Singapore. That kind of forced Pat to come out clean to his best friends and Pran's best friends.

They were at a bar catching up with each other after graduation. Pat's friends were there and Korn called Pran's friends as well. Pat drank too much but wasn’t drunk yet. Pran called Pat and Pat picked it up right away. He didn’t get the chance to move away from their friends before picking up the video call.

Pran was wearing nothing. Maybe he was wearing pants but Pat couldn't see it.

"Having fun?" pran's voice sounded breathy. Pran was breathing hard as well.


"Don't drink too much"  Pat nodded his head. Suddenly his body was feeling hot and the clothes on his body seemed annoying. He felt himself getting wet.

"Pran... I think It's coming"Pran looked shocked and shhed him.

"What?! You are outside and I'm not there. You are in a group full of alpha's." Pat felt himself getting emotional. He wishes Pran was here. Pran's pheromones alone could make his heat stop. And having sex once was enough to end the heat. Pat sniffed back the tears. Pran felt hopeless. He wanted to go back to Pat and take care of him. Pat Couldn't stop his tears anymore and started crying.

"I think I have to tell them" Pat cried loudly making all of his friends look at him with concern.

"Hmm... Keep me on the call and get out of the crowd first. It's not safe for you. All though I Don't know how safe our friends are" Pat told his friends that he needed to go back home and told them to come out of the bar to have some serious conversation. Pat was getting more into heat and soon the alpha's will notice it.

" guys... I'm sorry. I've lied to you" Pat sobbed harder. Pran wanted to cry as well. He was concerned and couldn’t keep sitting while Pat was in distress.

"About what Pat?" Pat took a moment before replying to Korn his dear best friend.

"I am actually... Not an alpha... I'm an omega" There was pin-drop silence. Only Pat's heavy breathing was heard as his condition was worsening.

"So... You are Pran's fated mate because you are an omega... And you lied to us your whole life? Does Pran know?" wai questioned Pat.

"Of course, I know. You guys can stay mad at us for hiding it later. Pat is going into heat. Please take him for me. And Don't you dare touch him just because he is an omega in heat? He has a fated mate. " pran warned them and Mo took Pat's phone out of his hand.

"I think we should drive him to his home. They can take care of him-"

"No! They Won't. Take me to Pran's house." no one dared to speak only Pran hummed agreeing to pat.

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