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"Are you ready Pat?" Pat shook his head and opened his door wide for Pran to enter. Pran's eyes fell on the pile of clothes in Pat's bed and pat not wearing anything other than a towel that barely covered anything. He mentally noted to ask Pat not to answer the door almost naked. After all, Pat isn’t single anymore. He is Pran's. Pran's poor heart will get jealous.

"I Don't know what to wear. Your Parents will meet me as your boyfriend so I should wear something good" Pran smiled and hugged Pat from behind. Pat glanced at them through the mirror.

"Just wear anything. You always look good. And Don't forget you once took a shower naked in your yard... My poor innocent mother had to see your naked ass!" Pat covered his face with his palm and groaned.

"Only if I knew I was gonna be their son-in-law!" pran laughed and picked an outfit that matched with his grey tee. Pat took it and wore it. Pat always looks good but now Pat has a different glow to his face. Even Pran could tell.

"Maybe I should send souvenirs to your house" Pat opened the door and let Pran get out first.

"Yeah. I think wine would be good... My dad likes wine"Pat said and closed the door.

Pran still doesn't have a car.  He says he doesn't need one.  In reality,  he just doesn't like cars. Pat however introduced Pran to his car as Pat's girlfriend.  Pran giggled at Pat kissing his car and acting like a boyfriend.

"don't mind me, baby.  I'm gonna ride you with my boyfriend real quick" Pran raised his eyebrows and watched Pat open the car door for him.

"threesome?" Pat laughed and shook his head. 

"carsome" he closed the door and got into the driver's seat.  He both bought wine and Pat bought some flowers for pran's mom to impress her.  Pran said it would work. 

They both were confident but now that they were standing in front of their gate they were nervous. They exchanged glances and nodded their head.

"good luck buddy" Pat nodded his head at Pran and pushed the door to get into his house.  Pran got into his house as well. 

"hi, Mae" Pran hugged his mom as soon as he opened the door.  Mom was cleaning the furniture. 

"aww my baby.  It's been so long since I've seen you." pran nodded his head and put the flowers in a vas. 

"oh!  You brought flowers for me? " pran shook his head.

"Mae...  Where is pho?  Let's talk.  It's really important. " his father came downstairs and heard their conversation.

"I'm here.  What do you want to talk about? " pran sat down on their couch and made both of his parents sit as well.  He just wanted to get it out of his chest but he was scared as well.

"so...  I got into a rut recently...  And found out that I have a fated mate" Pran's mom and dad shared a glance and frowned.

"Who is your fated mate pran? " Dad asked but Pran could not talk anymore.  His hands were shaking.  The wine bottle and those flowers were distracting him.  He wanted to run away from this situation.

"Listen, son.  We are really open-minded people.  Just tell us.  We don't mind that you spent your rut with someone" Pran looked at his mother and a tear escaped his eyes.

"Mae...  It's...  Pat" his mother stood up and looked at the window that faced Pat's house. 

"That bastard kid? " Mom whispered but Dad looked...  Normal. Suddenly screams were coming from the other house.  Indicating that Pat probably told his parents about him and chaos broke in. 

"Mae... " Pran called and looked away when he saw his mom's raging eyes. 

"Sorry Mae...  But it isn't our fault that we are fated mat-"

"Why did you do it with that guy in the first place? None of this would've happened if you didn't find your fated mate... " pran wiped his tears and raised his voice.

"How could you say that mae?  He was my unrequited love and now that I know he is my fate you wish he was still my unrequited love? " Mom sat down and tried to calm herself.  Pran was putting words differently. It was making her feel upset.

"is it true? " Dad asked and Pran sobbed. 

"yes, pho...  I have loved him since high school...  Only if you guys didn't force us to hate each other then I probably could have my fated mate all these years... " Mom was shocked to hear it.  She glared out the window as the loud noises of Pat's father screaming at Pat grew louder. 

"Why is that asshole screaming like a horse?  My son is the best pick for his son but he still dares to sound annoyed! " pran's mom walked out of their house like a lightning bolt.  When Pran realised where his mother was going he ran behind her to follow.  His dad couldn't just sit there and watch so he ran behind pran as well.  They all ended up at Pat's house. It was the first time Pran stepped into this house. Pran's eyes fell on Pat on the floor with his clothes scattered beside him.  His dad was throwing his clothes from upstairs. 

"Pat! " pran ran to Pat and held him close to his chest.  Pat tried to smile at Pran but couldn't.  He wasn't crying but looked empty inside. 

"Are you okay? -"

"what are you doing ming? " pran's mom called Pat's dad and glared at him.  They both were glaring at each other without any words.  Pran's dad tried to take her outside but she wouldn't budge.

"your son took my son away from me" Pran's mom scoffed and pointed at Pat.

"This kid?  When was he yours?  He was always his fated mate's ming. My son didn't take your son away"

"but it is your son's fault that he did the unthinkable to my son.  How dare he touch my son? "

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