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The next day pran went to the rooftop to clear his mind.  The past few days he has been drowning himself with assignments and he could not stop thinking about Pat. 

The city lights looked nice.  The wind was light and cool.  He felt a presence behind him and he did not have to turn his back to know who it was anymore.  It was pat.  Pat started smelling like him.  Their phenomenons got mixed up and they smell almost the same.  As if they use the same body wash and perfume. 

"Can we talk? " Pat leaned against the railing and looked ahead of him.  Pran did not dare to look at Pat as well. 

"i...  Heard you get out of your room so I followed you here to talk.  We need to talk"

"hmm...  Talk" That's all Pran could utter.  Pat sighed and turned around to face Pran.  Pran kept a straight face and looked ahead of him. Pat expected Pran to look at him or at least give him attention but he wasn't giving him any.

"let's... Date" Pran snapped his head at Pat.  He looked confused and shocked at the same time.  He had his eyes wide and Pat mimicked his expression. 

"What? " pran wanted to make sure he heard right.

"I said ...  Let's date. I don't know if it's the same for you but...  It's getting almost impossible to live without you" Pran wanted to smile but he could not let Pat know he wanted this the whole time.  Pat had to date him because there was no other choice. Pat wouldn't choose him.

"i...  Well...  I crave your pheromone every day...  I want to see you every day and it physically hurts to see you with that bastard wai... " pran looked away from Pat and secretly smiled.

"but you don't like guys... "

"huh? " pran thought of throwing it to Pat to see his reaction.  Pat looked confused.

"When did I say that?  And why does that matter? "

"it matters Pat. " pran turned around ready to leave but Pat grabbed his wrist and stopped him from leaving.

"I don't care if you are a guy pran.  It never mattered to me in the first place...  We already...  Slept together so..."

"you would not date me if it wasn't for the fated mates thing" All Pat needed to do was say the right thing and Pran would kiss Pat.  Of course, he would.  He wanted it to happen for so many years.  He imagined Pat coming to him and saying those words for so many days.

"That's..   True...  But Isn't that the whole point?  You are my fate so does it matter if I like your gender or not?  Aren't I supposed to like you...  Despite your gender?  I thought that was the whole point" Pat let Pran's wrist go.  Pran looked away and thought of asking the one last question. 

"so do you like me? "

"is it...  Okay if I say I do? " Pat looked scared. Scared that he will say something wrong and he will lose Pran forever. Pran found it cute and heartwarming. At least Pat was trying.  His unrequited love wasn't unrequited anymore. Pran smiled and pulled Pat closer to him.  Pat blushed and looked away.

"why are you scared Pat?" Pat glanced at Pran and looked down.

"i... Don't want to lose you again" Pran was reminded of when he had been ripped away from Pat.  He was in the middle of a performance.  He was excited to perform with his crush Pat but his parents came.  They took him away from Pat.  He still remembers feeling frustrated and lonely. He couldn't have anything related to Pat. No pictures,  no items,  nothing. 

"you won't... " pran pulled Pat in and hugged him tightly.  Pat sniffed against Pran's neck and sighed.

"ahhh... You are starting to smell like alpha... " pran pushed Pat a little to see his face but Pat nuzzled into Pran's face. 

"what? My... My pheromones changed?  What do I smell like now? " Pat giggled and looked at Pran smiling. 

"you kinda smell like me!  I had a bit of a strong smell like alpha so now you have it "Pran smiled as well and nuzzled into Pat's neck.

"oh...  You scared me for a second...  If I smell like you then...  I don't mind...  You smell like me as well... It's like we share the same perfumes and body wash" Pat giggled more. Pran pulled back from the comforting hug and held Pat's hand.  It was cold.  Almost red.  Pran rubbed his hand over Pat's and warmed it a bit before pulling him away from the cold wind of the roof.

"where are you taking me? "

"you are freezing" Pran opened his room and pulled Pat in.  Pat stood in the middle of it awkwardly.  He was here before but now that Pran is his mate.  It felt awkward.  Like he was here to fuck.

"come here. I'll make a hot choco for you" Pran dragged Pat to the couch and made him sit there.  Somehow he could feel that Pat was feeling awkward. He took off his hoodie and gave it to Pat.

"wear it if you feel cold" Pat nodded slowly and Pran smiled at him. Pran knew his hoodie full of his pheromones would make Pat feel less awkward.  It did help Pat feel less awkward. Pat sniffed it and got reminded of the day they found out they were fated mates.  Pran also got into a rut but controlled himself to not hurt Pat.  Pran took care of Pat and held him until he was okay. He still remembers how good it was.  How painful but pleasurable that was. 

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