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Pran was coming today. Pat was supposed to pick him up but got caught up in work. Hiding his 3-month-old belly from Pran was getting harder. Pran noticed him slowly losing his abs and gaining some weight. He was worried that Pran may be guessing the truth already.

Pat wasn't ashamed of his pregnancy though. He proudly walked around his office and ate whatever he wanted. His assistant had a hard time getting used to his eating habits and mood swings. At some point, his assistant considered calling Pran.

Pat Couldn't focus on his meeting. He was thinking about Pran. Will Pran come straight to their apartment or his parent's house? Will Pran react negatively when he reveals his pregnancy?  Pran Won't be hurt right? He can't be. What he did wasn't right but it wasn't wrong either.  Baby is just 3 months old...  Pran isn't missing out on anything.  Maybe he will be sad that Pat hid it and he isn't the first one getting the news.  But Pran will understand Pat.  Pat did it for Pran.  It was hard for him to hide it.

"Mr. Napat!" Pat snapped out of his thoughts and got startled.

"Yes? Uh... Um... Sorry... I was... Sorry, can you please repeat for me?" the dealer stood up looking annoyed.

"I think you are busy daydreaming today. Let's set up some other time to talk about this." Pat apologised repeatedly but he left. Pat sighed and sat back down in his chair.

"Sorry... I was... Zoning out..." One marketing team member smiled and asked him if he was okay.

"I am..." she asked.

"Are you feeling alright? You can share it with me" Pat shook his head. His employees were really understanding. Of course, some of them got up and left as soon as the meeting ended because they Don't give a fuck about Pat but most of them stayed.

"My mate is coming to Thailand today and I'm kinda nervous... I'm 3 months pregnant and..." Pat stopped talking. They Don't know about Pat hiding his pregnancy from Pran. It's inappropriate for them to know about something so Personal.

"Oh, it will be Alright. He will take good care of you and you Don't need to be nervous about it. Maybe he will feel awkward to see you without those delicious abs but it will be fine trust me." Pat smiled at her and got up.

"Thanks." he turned to his assistant who stood up as well.

"I want to go home. I think I already did enough work and the rest... It's all on you" his assistant forced a smile and nodded.

"Do you want me to drive you to your house?" Pat shook his head and walked out.

Pran was already at their apartment.  He wanted to put his luggage in his home first before meeting anyone else.  The house was surprisingly clean and he is sure it was because of Pat's mom who is living with Pat in their house.  Pat's mom was making him some warm soup to welcome him home while he was admiring his home once again. 

Pat opened the door and ran to Pran as soon as he saw him.  Pran hugged him tightly and felt the belly pat has.  It was more noticeable because Pat always had a flat stomach with the most gorgeous abs anyone could ever see. 

"I missed you...  Welcome home pran...  You aren't allowed to go away from me ever again" Pran smiled and kissed Pat's cheeks.  His hands unconsciously caressed Pat's stomach and it was more obvious that something was in there.  Pat isn't bloated or anything. It was much lower than his stomach.  His upper abs are there but lower ones aren't.  It was weird. He hasn't seen Pat take his clothes off in a month.  Something else is happening. 

"Sure...  I'll never go away ever. " Pat's mom called them to have some soup.  And Pat gave his mom an annoyed look.

"Mom you know I don't like seaweed soup anymore! " his mom nodded her head but pointed at Pran.

"he loves it though.  And I didn't make any for you.  You have bananas there. " Pat happily went and took the bananas and ketchup.  Pran watched his mate eat a banana with ketchup with wide eyes. 

"what the hell is wrong with you? " pran stopped Pat from taking another bite of the banana.  Pat glanced at him and snapped his head at his mom. His mom hid her face from them and awkwardly went to her room.

"I'll go clean my room it's dirty" Pat stood up and tried to escape but Pran stopped him with a warning. 

"don't you dare try to escape.  Tell me what is going on Pat! " Pat sat back down on the chair and awkwardly smiled at Pran.

"Promise me you won't be mad and hear all the excuses I will give you? " pran sighed. He was getting angrier every second. He could feel his bomb ticking. 

"just say it Pat. " pran raised his voice a little and watched as Pat immediately hid his belly with his hands. Pran isn't stupid.  He could guess what that meant.  But the fact that Pat was hiding it was too disgusting for him.

"you know I love you right?  And I want you to be successful in life.  I also know that you love me very much.  But do you remember what happened when I went to Singapore and...  Umm...  We had sex every day? " Pat whispered the last part.  Pran rolled his eyes.

"then when I came back home I was acting weird and I...  Found out that I am pregnant" Pran was angry but he couldn't stop his mouth from curling up into a smile.

"I am so sorry I didn't tell you...  Please don't be mad.  I just" Pat started crying and held Pran's hands in his. Pran teared up as well. 

"I thought you would quit your job because you would be worried about me. And it was just 3 months so I thought it would be best to hide it.  Please don't be mad at me na? " pran took his hands back and caressed Pat's belly.  He was feeling emotional watching Pat cry. Pat was cuter now.  Just imagine how Pat would look with cute cubby cheeks with cute haircut a banana with some ketchup on top of it and crying because he doesn't have control over his emotions and most importantly Pat with a baby in his womb.

"is my baby really in there? " Pat nodded and cried harder.  His mom listened to them from the other room.  She couldn't stop her tears as well. 

And pran?  He was just shocked and marinating the information that he kinda guessed. He got on his knees and kissed Pat's belly. He was feeling missed feelings. He was mad that Pat didn't tell him about his baby but he was happy that he would have a baby soon.

"thank you Pat" he ended up saying and hugging Pat's belly for almost 10 minutes. His hugging was interrupted when Pat's mom entered the kitchen.

"you are not mad right?" pran glanced at Pat's mom giving her a soft smile.

"no... I forgive Pat because I can't stay mad at 2 people at the same time" 

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