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Pran's omega was spread across his bed watching TV while eating noodles.  And Pran is just an alpha.  He could not stop staring at Pat's body.  He got more buff.  His ass got bigger and his pecs were defined.  Pran himself put some weight on.  Won't Pat like to touch him?

"pran? " pran snapped out of his wet daydream and responded to Pat.

"hmm? " Pat sat up and looked around.

"your house is too empty." pran nodded with an upside-down smile.

"I'll only be living here for some months anyway. "

"hmm right...  But you don't even have a table or any drawer...  It's like you only come here to sleep" Pran laughed and pulled Pat to lean on his shoulder.

"yes...  I only come here to sleep... It's lonely without you here" Pat pouted and kissed Pran's lips.  Pran thought that was his cue and captured Pat's lips hungrily.  But Pat wasn't in the mode after being sick the whole day. He pulled back and wiped his mouth.

"oi!  What was that?  You swallowed my lips!" pran was dumbfounded.

"what? I thought we were gonna make love? "

"make love?!  I was sick the whole day. You know what? It's time for bed.  Goodnight" Pat laid down and pulled the covers over him.

"pat...  You know I am crazy for you right?" Pat pretended to sleep.

"It's been so long since we've done it! Pat" Pran started caressing Pat everywhere.  His hands, his legs, his back, his head just to make Pat give in. But Pat wasn't giving in.

"I swear It'll be quick. Just 5 minutes. You don't have to do anything.  You can just lay like you are right now. Or we'll do missionary.  You like that right? " Pat faked a snore but Pran wasn't giving up.  He made a lot of plans but nothing happened.  He will go crazy if this doesn't happen either.  He started kneading on Pat's legs and whining.  Pat couldn't stop laughing silently.

"just the tip.  Please pat...  Give me your hole. Please or I'll die"

"can't you see I'm sleeping?  Go away" Pat kicked Pran on his shoulder but Pran took the chance to get between Pat's legs.

"okay fine.  You won't give me, right?  Then can I give you a head? "

"no!  Touch me and you'll die" Pran faked a cry and got out of bed.  He turned the lights off and laid in bed after putting a barrier of pillows between them.

"what are you doing? " Pat wasn't confused.  Pran is a baby.

"don't talk to me" Pran hissed and laid on the opposite side of the barrier. But somehow pran still ended up on Pat's pillow and Pat's side in the middle of the night.  Pat felt hot and woke up to find his dear boyfriend lying on his chest and snoring loudly while drooling.  Pran always refuses to believe that he drools.  Pat took a picture to set it as his wallpaper later.

"mmhhh" Pran moaned and hugged Pat tighter.  Pat giggled and kissed his love on top of his head.

"sorry na? I just wanted you begging me for my hole" It's like pran heard him.  Pran frowned in his sleep and moaned again.  Pat gave Pran another kiss and went back to sleep.

Pran woke up in a very cranky mood.  He woke up and saw Pat drool all over the pillow and immediately started nagging.  He nagged throughout his morning routine and nagged until Pat said sorry and took a shower. 

Pat came out wearing nothing.  Pran immediately covered Pat with a towel and closed the blinds. 

"Are you crazy?  The windows are open! " pran glared at Pat.  Still in a sour mood.

" you live on the fifth floor-okay sorry.   But I just wanted to show you how many muscles I've gained!  Look!  Pat took the towel off and flexed his muscles like he was in a contest.  Pran couldn't close his mouth.  Pat was so sexy.  He never liked bodybuilders but Pat is exceptional.  He looks awesome. 

"wahh...  Can I draw you?  You look beautiful" Pat smiled and jumped in bed. He stroked a pose and started acting like he was on Titanic. 

"paint me like one of your French girls" Pran laughed out loud but grabbed his sketchbook. 

"I'll sketch you but...  You can never see what I've drawn... Okay?  If you agree to this then I'll draw you" Pat squinted his eyes.

"Why can't I see?  I know you are good at art.  What's wrong with me seeing what you've drawn? " pran blushed and looked away.  He stood up and put the sketchbook and pencil down. 

"This sketchbook is my diary...  And diaries are supposed to be hidden or they lose their meaning" Pat remembered the diary that Pran gave him.  Pran never asked what he was writing and never snitched on it.  Pran was curious about it but never invaded Pat's privacy. But this time Pat wanted Pran to see the diary as he finished all the pages...  Almost all the pages include pran.  So pran should read it and be a part of it in more ways. 

"oh about that...  My diary... " Pran gasped and grabbed the sketchbook to throw it at Pat.

"don't tell me you lost it" Pat shook his head quickly.

"no!  How can I!  I didn't lose it...  I just...  I...  Wanted you to read it...  I've finished all the papers...  And...  I'd like you to read it...  And give me another one" Pran quietly put the sketchbook down and walked to Pat. 

"What did you say? " it's like Pran couldn't understand his native language.  Pat smiled sweetly at him and explained again. 

"you can read my diary if you want.  I bought it here." pran looked around and then looked at Pat again with wider eyes.

"Really? You are not kidding? " Pat shook his head and bit his lips.  His pran is so cute. 

"I'm not. And I agree...  I won't look at your sketchbook.  You can sketch me.  It would be a practice for you I guess.  Since you only draw buildings and bridges" Pran was quite in shock.  He kept staring at Pat and said nothing. 

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