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"You know what I'm about to say. You didn’t have looks, body or that tool when you were a kid."

"Mine was still bigger than yours when we were kids!"

"Bigger than who? You were this small" Pran showed an inch on his finger and giggled. Pat smacked his head carefully not to take his nipple away from Owen in the action.

"Yeah? I remember who touched my thing when we were 8-year-olds and said 'Wow why are you bigger?'" pran huffed and shook his head.

"Doesn't matter. I Didn't know the proper use of it and also... Who is bigger now?"
Pat scoffed.

"You are gonna count every inch? Mine is thicker."

"Mine is longer!" pran argues back and busts into laughter. Pat smiled and shook his head. 

"you are lucky I'm still in postpartum or else I would've whopped your ass.

"yeah? My ass is also bigger than yours-" Pran stopped talking as that wasn't the case.

"oh really.  It is bigger?  Who are you fooling?  I went through pregnancy and kept a whole human inside me and you are saying your ass is bigger? " pran cleared his throat and smiled like a fool.

"yeah, that went a bit too far. "

"your brain went too far and never came back" Pran glared at Pat and decided to order something healthy. As he was about to ask Pat what he wanted, their doorbell rang.

"who could it be? " Pat looked confused and Pran turned around to see if Pat had any idea who it might be. 

"I'll go check" Pran went to the door and checked the camera to see their friends at the door with Pa and Ink.  Pran smiled and opened the door. 

"hi, daddyyyyyyyy" All the boys started to dance around Pran and Wai almost jumped on Pran.

"hello Hia Pran" Pa said making Pran happier.  It felt more intimate when Pa called him Hia. 

"congrats on being a father pran" Ink said. 

"thanks.  Come inside. " the boys were already inside the house looking around.

"where's Mommy?" Korn said and Pran smacked his head.

"he is papa... He is in our room feeding Owen." pran glared at others to make sure they never make this mistake again. 

"We wanna meet Owen.  Can we? " ink said and jumped up and down.

"of course. I'll bring both of them here" Pran went inside meanwhile Pa took out and plated all the healthy and homemade food their mom made for Pat. 

Pat slowly came out of the room with Owen in his arms and Pran guided him.  All of them cooed at Owen but Ink gasped watching Pat take baby steps and wear big clothes to cover his body.  It was an unusual sight. Pat was never this inactive even when Owen was in his belly.  Now that Owen is out Pat looks more exhausted and messed up. 

"omg!  Owen is so cute!!!! " all the boys went to Owen first and Pat slowly put Owen on the couch so everyone could meet him.  Pat stood nearby and let Pran control the boy's excitement.  Ink slowly came beside Pat and put her hand on his shoulder. 

"Are you okay?  I'm not used to seeing you so weak" Pat smiled weakly and looked around.  Everyone was kinda paying attention to how Pat looked.

"yeah... postpartum is...  Hard... " Pat said and Pa handed him the plate.

"Mom made this for you so you can heal faster." Pat patted Pa's head and took the plate.  Pat sat down and again winched in pain as bending down made him feel pain in his abdomen.

"hey dude... Are you actually supposed to be at home? " Chang asked and Pat nodded. 

"yeah.  His stitches are fine.  But he is weak and idk how many months or years will it take for him to heal properly and get back to being the usual pat... I guess... There was a reason why doctors don't recommend guys getting pregnant. " pran explained and Pat just nodded as he ate. 

"and I won't be able to have any more babies...  My uterus is almost too weak to even go through the regular heat." Pat sighed as he felt kinda sad. Pran noticed the sadness and couldn't help but feel annoyed.  He didn't like the way Pat was regretting now. 

"How is baby Owen now? " Korn said and looked down ar Owen sleeping peacefully.

"perfectly healthy baby" Pa said and everyone cheered for that.  At least that was a happy news for everyone. 

"Owen was a special case in the hospital.  He was in special care and then as soon as he got out of it he wanted his papa.  Nobody could comfort him other than his papa." pran said feeling proud of Pat and Owen.

"aww...  I bet he was popular." ink said and walked to see Owen better for the first time.  She wasn't a big fan of babies.

"he was!  Omg, I once asked a nurse where is baby Owen now and the nurse immediately knew him" Pa said and also went to Owen. 

"awww...  He looks like pran...  He has the same nose and the same Chad chin... " Ink commented making everyone bust out laughing.  Pat also almost choked on his food.

"Chad chin?" pran asked and immediately pulled out his camera to see his chin.

"yes...  You have...  Idk...  Kinda the same chin as Giga Chad?" ink tried to explain but found it really difficult.

"huh?  Where? "

"dude do the sigma face." safe tried to tease him more.

"What Sigma face? " pran was getting more furious.  Pat was enjoying it and laughed loudly.  Pran tried to do the sigma face as Wai was teaching him how to do it. 

Owen woke up hearing so many people around him.  And got started when he saw so many people around. Pran quickly picked him up in his arms and rocked him to sleep again.

"Can we be quieter?  Baby Owen woke up startled because of us" Ink said and everyone instantly agreed with her. 

"We all have seen him.  Maybe Owen should be in his room. Hia pran,  give me Owen.  I'll put him in his crib" Pa said and Pran nodded his head agreeing with her.  He put Owen to sleep and Pa put him to bed. She was gonna be a good aunty. 

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