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After a day full of gossip and catching up Pat fell asleep. His tired body needed a place to relax so he chose to lean Against his alpha. As soon as Pat relaxed onto Pran, Pat could smell Pran's scent. He noticed it smelled similar to Owen. Does that mean Owen will become an alpha when he grows up? Or maybe Owen smells like him as well but Pat can't smell it because It's too similar to him?

Pran noticed Pat falling asleep on the couch while leaning his head on Pran's shoulder. Pran looked around to see if anyone was watching and when everyone was busy talking pran kissed Pat's temple.

But got caught by Korn and it became an endless teasing session. They all left at midnight but Pran made the girls stay. Pran believed they shouldn’t be out that late. In his mind, Pa was the same kid he saved that day. Pa never grew up for him.

Pat was in bed asleep. He moved him to bed when Korn stopped teasing him. Pran lay beside Pat and sniffed his Scent.

"Owen smells like you... Will I get another omega in my family?" he talked to himself and kissed Pat's parted lips.

Everything changed fast when Owen started to crawl and Pat was finally back on track. Pat wasn’t as weak so he attended the gym every week but was still too weak to do his regular routine.  Pat's routine consists of working the whole day, taking care of owen, gym and then complaining about everything to Pran. 

Meanwhile, pran comes home and turns his mind into an auto Pilot mood so he can listen to all the bullshit Pat says and forget about it the next moment. Pran could care less about fitness and bodybuilding as he likes pat the way he is. But also knew that it was a huge thing for Pat. Owen tends to be cranky after waking up but really energetic at night. Putting Owen to sleep is like trying to pick up soup with a fork. It's useless.

Pran came home and saw Pat feeding Owen milk. He was still uncomfortable letting Owen nurse from him but it was always a very warm sight for Pran to see. Today Pat was letting Owen nurse while he was watching a football match. Owen was playing with his nipple instead of nursing. He was probably wondering 'How can this bulked-up man lactate?'

Pran cleared his throat and entered the living room. Pat gave him a million-baht smile and rocked Owen in his arms.

"Look! Daddy is here!" Owen also seemed to notice and he squealed. 

"Oh my god. You are covered in milk!" pran gasped as he noticed milk running down Owen's chin and soaking his chest. Pat didn’t like putting a shirt on and he always forgot to put a shirt on Owen as well.

"Well, that's what's gonna happen if you play instead of feeding. He kept playing with my nipples" Pat complained.

"Aww... Maybe he is not hungry but wants to be close to you"

"Nah! He was just missing Daddy. Right, Owen" Pat talked in a baby voice and Pran giggled.

"He is still energetic today" Pat nodded softly. Owen whined for Pran to hold him.

"You have to sleep, little man." Owen made bubbles in his mouth and Pat wiped them with his hands. Pran cringed at how gross Pat had become after childbirth. Nothing makes Pat gag anymore. Nothing means nothing.

Pran freshened up and got started with the dinner. He had to make baby food for Owen too. So he washed his hands 3 times and started to cook.

Suddenly he heard Pat scream at the top of his lungs and yell from the living room in urgency.

"Pran! Owen threw up. You were right about him being full. I'll clean him but can you clean the carpet?" Pat said as he walked inside the bathroom.

"MY CARPET?! MY 4500$ CARPET?" pran almost got a heart attack. That carpet was one of the most expensive things in their house and Owen was slowly ruining it.

"Carpet can be bought. Right, Owen? Huh?" Pat played with Owen while talking to him in a baby voice. That one sentence out of Pat's mouth pulled him out of his shock. Pat was right. The carpet could be bought but Owen can't. Poor baby, it was probably hard to throw up like that. Pran went to check how much vomit there was and it wasn’t as much as he was expecting. Which made him feel better. He went to clean it and realised it was all milk that came out.

"Oh no... Pat probably feels bad... His precious milk went to waste like that. He should've probably watched how much Owen was nursing." Pat brought Owen to the living room again and sat him down on the floor so he could crawl around.

"Owen didn’t even cry after throwing up like that" Pat pointed out

"Yeah for some weird reason... He doesn’t cry as much as I would think a baby cries... He just whines and makes a lot of different noises..." Pran went back to the kitchen to cook after cleaning his carpet. Pat followed him while talking.

"My... One of my employees said that it could be a sign that he is a special needs Child..." pran rolled his eyes after hearing that.

"And you believe that?" Pat stayed quiet for a while before answering. Owen was coming to pat while crawling happily.

"I Don't know... He... Was born from two mal-"

"But he was born healthy. If something was wrong the doctors would've found out about it a long ago Don't you think? You both still go to the hospital for regular check-ups right? All the tests could've caught something wrong if there was something wrong... You are his father at least you shouldn’t think like that!" pran suddenly felt disappointed and frustrated. He wanted to scream at Pat for doubting his son.

"I..." Pat got confused by Pran's mood swings. He knew Pran was sensitive when it came to Owen. Pat decided to not talk to avoid an argument and let Pran cook. He picked Owen up in his arms and went back to the living room.

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