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Pat was asleep and Pran was on a chair that was too uncomfortable.  During these 4 days, pran couldn't sleep properly.  His neck hurts but he plans on getting a massage once Pat is discharged. 

A nurse barged into the room and that woke both of them.

"is everything alright? " Pran asked.  Pat looked scared. 

"umm...  Owen is refusing any milk we give him. We've tried everything we can to comfort him and stop his cries but he keeps crying..." Pat gasped and sat up slowly.  He recovered enough to sit up.

"We thought it would be a good idea for you to try holding him.  Maybe he just wants his papa. " Pat nodded.

"please bring my baby to me" Pat couldn't stop biting his nails.  It would be his first meeting with Owen.  Pat hasn't met Owen after giving birth because they said it was dangerous.

"pran... Something must be wrong with our baby. They didn't take care of him properly. " pran shook his head.

" they did an amazing job, Pat.  I always keep an eye on him. Maybe Owen just wants you. " Owen was brought into the room.  He was crying loudly.  Pat took him in his arm in a hurry. 

"Hi, baby. How are you?  Why aren't you eating hmm? " Pat talked to Owen and Owen stopped his cry to listen to his papa.  Pat giggled watching his son stop his cry for him.

"papa is worried na?  You need milk to stay healthy..." Owen began crying once again pat looked at the nurse helplessly. The nurse that was in charge of Pat suddenly came forward and took Owen from his arms.

"Maybe he would feel comfortable with skin-to-skin contact.  Mr. Pran can you help Pat take his gown off? " pran glanced at everyone in the room. He kinda felt jealous that everyone in this room had seen Pat naked.  And now they will see Pat's swollen chest once again.

Pran helped Pat and Pat took Owen in his arms once again.  As soon as Owen got his papa's touch he stopped crying and stared at Pat with big eyes.

"oh my god!  Who's eyes did you get huh?  Maybe Pran's mom's.  It's so big!  It's a Pacific Ocean." pran chuckled and shook his head. 

"your eyes are pretty big too Pat" Pat smiled and wanted to say no but everyone in the room seemed to agree to pran. While they were busy arguing whose eyes Owen got.  Owen found his way to Pat's nipple.  As soon as Owen pressed his little mouth against Pat's nipple and began to suck Pat jolted up and yelped. 

"what is he doing? " Pat almost wanted to give his son to another person but no one came forward to hold him.  Pran was watching with wide eyes and an open mouth.  Too shocked to say anything or do anything. 

Unfortunately,  Pat's nipples were too small for little Owen to keep sucking. And there was no milk like he expected.  So he started crying once again.

"don't panic.  It's an instinct for babies.  They search for breasts and start sucking when they feel hungry." Pat looked down and tried to put his nipple inside Owen's mouth but Owen didn't take it.

"you are not lactating maybe that's the reason why he is not continuing... You can try pumping? I guess that will help Owen drink your milk. I'll give you some meds too. "  Pat looked terrified.  Male omega's do produce milk but not too much.  Pat has heard that pumping hurts so he wasn't excited.  Pran took Owen from Pat and tried to calm him.  But all his efforts went in vain. 

The nurses prepared a pumper and helped pat pump milk.  In the first two pumps nothing came so Pat got disappointed and didn't want to pump anymore but hearing his son cry endlessly for his milk was unbearable.  He decided to try pumping once more.  He prayed for just an ounce of milk to come out so his son would stop crying. 

Some did come out on the pump but it wasn't much.  The nurses took that on a spoon and fed it to Owen.  Owen did stop crying but continued crying once again.  Pran pressed the feeder on his mouth and this time Owen started drinking. 

Everyone sighed in relief. Pat started crying because of how stressful it was. The nurses advised him to keep pumping so that when Owen wanted some he could get some.  Pat forgot that pumping hurt a bit because of Owen.  Pat pumped when Pran wasn't around because he felt shy pumping milk in front of his boyfriend who kept staring at his chest like he also wanted some.  Pat's sure Owen wouldn’t mind sharing some with his dad. But that's just weird.

After almost a week of being in the hospital, Pat was discharged. The hospital bill finally came to Pran's hand. Pat was packing up so he Didn't notice the look on pran's face. Pran was shocked at how much it cost. He froze in place thinking.

"Pran we need to Buy more stuff for him. He doesn’t have any formula at home. I need to buy a good pumper. This one hurts. And-" Pat turned around and saw Pran looking pale.

"What happened?" he slowly walked closer to Pran and took the bill out of his hand.

" huh! How is it that much?" pran looked up at Pat and tried to smile.

"It's okay. I have it. I-"

"Pran. I'll help you" Pran kissed Pat shut.

"I can manage Pat. I'll come back in a bit." pran walked out of the room. He sighed thinking he would have to use the money he saved for their wedding. Pran is not gonna make Pat pay after going through the pain of giving birth. He has to pay by himself.

Pran paid and took Owen to Pat's room as he Won't be staying there anymore. Owen is a healthy baby and he kinda looks happy to go home. He Isn't sleeping like he always does. He Isn't even crying. Just observing his surroundings.


Sorry for disappearing.  I'm in deep university shit right now. There's a big drama going on at the university which is why I'm really busy.  I will keep updating you soon.  And there will be a new book coming. Not sure when but soon! Look forward to it!

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