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"But Isn't that a house full of alphas?" Korn questioned and Pat sat down on the sidewalk feeling his tummy hurt.

"They know how to take care of me. " Pat cried out and Pran started cursing. He couldn’t keep watching his useless friends and Pat suffering without him.

"You motherfuckers only know how to fuck omega's. Take him to my house immediately or I'll cut your dicks off and feed it to dogs. Singapore has a lot of hungry dogs waiting for the fresh meat. Or better I'll-" Wai cut the call and picked Pat up to make him stand. He took Pat's car keys.

"Take them mo. And quickly start the car. He is getting worse" thank god wai acted fast. He quickly got Pat into his car and Mo drove them to Pran's house with Korn in the back seat with Pat and Wai. He can't just leave his best friend alone with this guy. Even though they are friends now.

"Pran... My pran... My alpha" Wai and Korn shared a glance of judgment at how Pat was moaning Pran's name.

"Argh! It hurts... Where's my phone? Call pran. His voice... I need it" Mo gave his phone back and Pat saw 13 missed calls from Pran. He called Pran and Pran picked it up immediately.

"Babe... Are you okay? Which whore cut the call?" Pat felt himself calming down a little. At least his mate was still on his phone.

"Pran calm down. We are taking him to your house. " Korn said.  Pat started crying once again. It was his first heat spent alone after so many years.

"Pran... Can you come- ummm- no nothing" Pat wanted to ask Pran to come back but it couldn't happen. He was the one encouraging Pran to pursue his career.  pran sighed and lay in his bed.

"Listen pat... I wish I could... I really wish I could..." Pat sighed and took a deep breath in.

"When I'm at home... Can I use your things to comfort me? Like pillows and clothes?" Pat was having a hard time breathing and he could feel himself getting hard.

"Of course. They are all yours... Mae probably kept some unwashed clothes for you" Pat hummed and held his head. The drinks were making things worse.  

Mo pulled up on Pran's driveway. Pran seemed a bit relaxed. Pat got out of the car with the help of Korn and Wai but couldn’t walk properly. Mo rang the bell and almost immediately pran's mom opened the door.

"Pat! Are you okay? Pran massaged me" Pat didn’t answer. He threw his body at Pran's mom and hugged her instead.

"Mae" Korn and Wai tried to take Pat away from her and make him stand straight but to their surprise pran's mom single-handedly held him straight.

"Oh no my son is away for only 5 months and this happens. " she dragged Pat inside the house and invited their friends. Pran kept listening to what was happening because Pat shoved his phone inside his pockets.

"I'll take him to Pran's room. You guys stay here for a minute" She dragged Pat upstairs by himself. Pran's dad gave their friends cold water because all of them looked drunk as hell.

"Did you guys drunk drive?" pran's dad inquired.

"Drunk? I'm sober since I heard Pat is a lying mother fucker" Mo commented and Pran's dad winced.

"Come on. You can't be mad at him.  I'm assuming he told you guys about him being an omega. Being an omega doesn’t affect anything. He is still pat." he tried to reason.

"But... Pat being an omega means he is a bit weak-" Wai got cut off by Pran's dad. He glared at Wai and frowned.

"Don't you dare say that in front of Pat. Do you know... His whole life he has been trying to compete with Pran, a purebreed alpha. And Pat won most of the time. How is he weak? And I've heard you used to get beaten by Pat before they started dating." wai lowered his head and stared at the floor.

"Yeah... Sorry uncle"

Pran's mom made Pat lay on the bed and take Pran's used clothes out of the closet. Pat relaxed quite a bit and pulled his phone out to only realise Pran was still on the call.

"Oh, Pran..." Pat said and Pran's mother left the room to give them privacy.

"Are you okay now?" Pat nodded his head at Pran and sniffed the pile of clothes on the bed. He placed the phone on the nightstand and started nesting.

Pran smiled watching Pat sniff every piece of clothes and discard them on the floor if they Didn't smell like Pran anymore. 

"Why are you shirtless? I got into heat because of you" Pran giggled and panned his phone to show Pat what he was wearing underneath.

"I'm actually not wearing anything. Living with you made me shameless. Now I can't sleep with clothes on" Pat giggled and dropped on the bed.

"I'm okay now. Your scent is helping. All though they Don't smell exactly like you" Pran hummed and grabbed his clothes from his bed.

"I should probably send some clothes to you... Do you think those will work?" Pat shook his head.

"No... They will lose your smell. It's a long way pran... You can't ship scent from Singapore... Oh fuck I hate Singapore so muchhhhhhh" Pran sighed and dropped his body on the bed as well...

"Will phone sex work?" Pat shook again.

"No... You Don't have any toys here... I Don't think masturbation will stop my heat. " pran sighed again. Both of them felt frustrated.

They talked for hours before Pat fell asleep listening to Pran singing. Pran heard Pat snore and he smiled thanking god. Finally Pat is asleep.

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