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Pat called Pran that night and as soon as Pran picked up he saw Max with him in his apartment.  Pran always said how lonely it felt in his apartment and he needed friends.  Max became his friend there.  Pat wasn't jealous.  He just didn't like Max staying the night with Pran.  It feels like only he was allowed to stay with Pran. 

"Hi, Pran... " Pran noticed Pat's expression change and turned the phone away from Max so Pat wouldn't have to see his face.

"Hi, my baby.  How are you? " Pat smiled weakly and laid in his bed.

"tired... And lonely...  You are good I guess?" pran nodded as Max almost snatched the phone out of his hand.

"Hi, Pat. How are you, man? " Pat smiled and waved.

"Hi Max...  I'm okay.  How about you? " Max started a conversation about business and Pat tried to answer with his broken English.  Pran helped Pat and Max understand each other.  After a while, Pat was almost falling asleep while listening to Max talk about their work in the office.  Pran took the phone away from Max and walked inside his bedroom for privacy.

"baby...  I'm tired." pran giggled and nodded. 

"go to sleep, my love.  We'll talk in the morning... " Pat nodded and almost hung up when he remembered why he called in the first place.

"oh!  I got plane tickets! "

"huh? "

"Dad wanted to give you a gift because your birthday was like...  3 months ago and he forgot.  He thought he needed to give you something because he wanted to show you that he accepted you or something. " Pat was rolling his eyes while talking and that looked really cute. 

"so my father-in-law gave you plane tickets to fly to me? " Pat nodded and Pran could already feel his heart beating faster.  He wanted pat in his arms right away.

"When are you coming? " Pat thought for a while and replied. 

"I guess next week...  Max said you don't really have any projects nowadays because of Singapore's economic crisis." pran nodded.

"come fast, please? I miss you"   Pat nodded his head and turned the lights off now laying in the dark.

"I miss you too...  Goodnight pran.  Have fun with Max...  No don't have too much fun with Max" Pran giggled and nodded as well. 

"goodnight love.  Let's talk a lot tomorrow"

Pran couldn't rest well.  He kept thinking what they would do when Pat finally came here.  He worked hard to finish his work before Pat came so he could take some days off. 

"oh my god lover boy?  You are working even during lunch hour?  Damn! When is he coming? " pran looked up and took a bite of his sandwich.  He was working and eating at the same time.  Pat complained about Pran being too skinny so he tried to gain the weight back. Pran wiped his mouth before answering.

"this Friday" Max raised his eyebrows.

"so that means you are gonna take 2 days off? " pran nodded. 

"and start working from Monday" Max pouted and sat in front of Pran.

"but Saturday is my birthday pran! " pran was surprised.  It was true.  Saturday is Max's birthday.  But Pat is more important.

"Sorry, Max...  I'll treat you on Monday is that okay? " Max gave Pran a sad smile and nodded. 

"but don't forget to wish me okay? " pran nodded as Max walked out of his cubicle with a sad expression.

The day pat was supposed to arrive came earlier than Pran thought. He was drowned in work and didn't realise how time was passing.

Pat landed in Singapore and called Pran for him to pick him up. Pran had already waiting in the airport for an hour. He was too excited to see his boyfriend. Pat came out of the door and immediately saw Pran holding a 'Welcome to Singapore my beloved' sign. Pat left his luggage behind him and ran towards Pran. He forgot about the time and place and jumped on top of Pran to hug him. Pran almost lost his balance but held Pat by his ass awkwardly.

"I missed you Pat" Pat sniffed Pran and whined like a baby.

"Ahhh... I'm finally homeeeee... I love you pranyyyyy" pran smiled and put pat down. He noticed everyone staring at them and giving them nasty stares but he Didn't care. He grabbed Pat's luggage and Pat's hand as he walked outside the airport. Pat was quite the whole ride. He kept sniffing Pran and listening to his heartbeat like he couldn't believe Pran was his. He was staring at Pran and kissing his neck from time to time. Pran was trying hard not to stare at Pat too much because he could feel the animal inside him rise. They were in public. He can't just put his mouth over Pat and try to swallow him.

"Pran... I'm not feeling good" Pran saw Pat rubbing his stomach.

"Stomach ache?" Pat shook his head and pressed his palm against his mouth.

"Car sick" Pran offered Pat water but he refused. Pran tried everything to make Pat feel good but the journey took a toll on him.

Pat threw up on Pran's shirt as soon as they got out of the cab. Pran being a neat freak wanted to throw himself out and burn the shirt but controlled himself for Pat. Pat wasn't feeling too great and It was an unknown place for him. He can't run upstairs to his apartment.

Pran picked Pat up like a baby while also carrying the luggage and ran to his apartment as soon as possible. 

What pran planned for their day got ruined.  Pat was sleeping till the afternoon.  And Pran kept taking care of his pat.

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