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Pran sighed at the typos Pat made.  Pran glanced down and groaned.  His pants were covered with his cum.  He had to wash it immediately because his mind was screaming danger. He turned on the lights in the mirror and stood in front of the mirror awkwardly. He thought he looked ugly but still sent a mirror selfie to Pat.  He left his phone in his bed and took a shower. 

When he came out he heard his phone ring.  20 missed calls from Pat. 

"shit shit shit.  He is gonna kill me for real today" he called Pat but this time Pat missed it. He kept calling until Pat picked up. 

"what? "

"Sorry.  I was in the shower" Pat noticed that Pran wasn't lying.  He wasn't wearing anything other than a towel around his hips.  The mirror behind Pran made Pat cool down. 

"you can take your phone inside the bathroom you know?  It's not that hard. "

"but...  I was feeling gross so I... Sorry," Pran tried explaining himself but knew his explanation was useless here.  Pat wasn't angry just acting up with him.

"It's okay. I was calling because I...  I wanted to...  Well, I was horny but not anymore" Pat hesitated at first but it was his pran.  Pran probably already knew what he was gonna say.

"Sorry" pran apologized again and placed the phone in bed facing the mirror.  He took another towel and started drying his hair. Pat stared at him.

"It's okay...  I am not mad at you... " pran smiled again and kept doing his night routine. 

"I miss using your skincare products...  I'm too lazy to put on anything so I'm breaking out" Pran glanced back at his phone and giggled. 

"I miss buying food for you.  I used to eat half of yours because you were always watching your weight. " Pat giggled as well.

"is that why you've lost so much weight pran?  I don't see my cushion in your tummy" Pran glanced down and scooted to sit in front of the camera.  He lowered his towel and patted his belly.

"I still have your cushion here" Pran looked so innocent. Pat always called Pran's belly his cushion because he liked laying his head there. 

"no... I want it more plumped" Pran rubbed his belly and sighed. 

"I don't like the food here.  Even though I cook most of the time it doesn't taste the same.  And I hate eating alone" Pat sighed as well. 

"it will pass.  Just hang in there. I'll come to visit you as soon as I earn enough to buy a plane ticket and not become broke. " pran nodded.  He got back to doing his skincare routine while Pat talked about his day.

"you know your mirror is perfect for mirror sex. We'll definitely use it when I go there" Pran chuckled and took his phone to the bathroom. 

"my bathroom is also just big enough for the two of us" Pat smiled wider.

"by the way you did a good job with finally sending me nudes. " pran burst out laughing and walked to his bed to go to sleep.

"well...  I'm glad I guess"

"send me some more sometimes...  I love it... "

"hmm... Don't you think it's awkward and gross? "

"huh?  Gross what?  Your dick?  The dick I'm choking on for yea-"

"okay okay got it.  You don't need to say it like that mister" Pat laughed his heart out and Pran admired it.  Soon he will make Pat laugh like this in front of him and touch the little nose scrunch he does. 

"Did our friends talk to you?" Pat stopped smiling and made a serious face...

"Oh about that... They are mad at us for not telling them sooner. They said... I'm... A liar and they can't trust me anymore. " pran looked away for a second and thought.

"They... Have the right to be mad about it though. I Don't think they would've become your friend if they knew about you like that. In University, omegas became friends with omegas and alphas became friends with alphas... Pat... If they Don't wanna be friends with us anymore... Then that's okay. We Don't need them" Pat nodded his head with a sad smile.

"But... Korn... He called me last night to say he is okay with whatever I am because he Doesn't care about anything other than our friendship... History is repeating itself... Korn can never stay mad at me...Ever..." Pran smiled and nodded his head.

" he is a true friend. A true alpha. A true man. " Pat smiled wider and nodded. He started talking about his crazy stories with Korn.

It's not that his friends were mad at them. They just didn’t know how to interact with an omega pat. Pat's image suddenly looked fragile in their minds but Pat wasn’t fragile at all. Taking care of the whole company, his family,  and Pran's family. He even spends time with his friends. Pat was never fragile. He could still take down several guys alone. He is still fit, handsome and dashing. They needed time to get used to Pat. They needed time to focus on Pat and not what he was. After leaving Pat in Pran's house Korn said something that stuck in their minds.

"Guys. Let's never bring this topic in front of Pat. I Don't know what you think about it but in my opinion what type pat is... Is purely Pran's business. If Pat is an omega then he is Pran's omega. If he is alpha then he is pran's alpha. We Don't...  Have any say in it. We also acted a bit... Harsh with them when they started dating... We shouldn’t have done that... Because if they wanna fuck who are we to be mad about? It's fucking weird if we are mad about anything related to them. Patpran will tell us when it is the right time like today we got to know Pat is an omega... You know what? Let's just go home and think about it before talking with Pat. Pat needs time as well. And please Don't tell this information to anyone... Patpran doesn’t want anyone else to know"

After that long speech of Korn. Nobody talked and went to their home. Wai was the first one to text Pat to have safe sex. He thought Pat would get the message that he Wasn't mad or anything. He Doesn’t know what to say anymore. Korn called him to clear things up but others were confused. Not mad. How could they be mad after what Korn said?

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