Chapter 2: Not A Young Man But A Great Soul (Part 3)

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Seeing his anger, the monk laughed.

"It is quite obvious, no exceptions, it is very difficult to understand and then interpret correctly. Instead of difficult, I would say impossible, even then there would be no exaggeration. That's why no one would have told. In fact, in this world, no one is stupid who will admit in front of you that he cannot explain this situation of stars. It will be like you are defaming yourself. This is the difference between monks and civilians. We are beyond honor-disgrace and fame-failure but the common man is engrossed in these. Even though a monk is worldly, he is not worldly." Monk clarified everything to Beli Rama.

"Sadhu Maharaj (Monk), excuse me, but this is not true. Everyone doesn't need to know everything. For not knowing any subject, an apology can be made under courtesy. By doing so one is not called ignorant but called civilized. Just look at me. I am also a very reputed Pundit. Yet I do not know several things. Many holy rituals are far away from my knowledge. I openly say that I do not know them." Beli Rama told his truth without hesitation.

"Wonderful... you seem like a pure monk. Pundit Ji, before I describe the situation, please check whether you also see what I am seeing or not?" Monk requested.

Beli Rama took the horoscope and checked his son's horoscope for the first time himself, then found the monk's statement to be true.

"As I said earlier I do not know the name of this wonderful position of the planets but I do know what is its explanation. I heard about it for the first and last time when I was in my gurukul (School) as a child. Gurudev (Teacher) himself told us about it. That day we saw our Gurudev for the last time. This condition was manifested in the horoscope of our Gurudev." the monk said as he was trying to prepare the family for a shock.

Everyone's curiosity became strong.

"This wonderful position of the planets makes it clear to us that any creature who has this position in his horoscope will achieve the greatest goal of his life... and we all know that the greatest goal of mankind is 'Vaikuntha Dhama' (home of Indian God Vishnu). Every soul wants to attain it." The monk interpreted the situation of stars.

While the words 'greatest goal' had given happiness to all, everyone was frightened after hearing about the abode of Vaikuntha.

For a moment even Krishna Chandra was shaken. But then he focused his attention on the words of the monk.

"To put it simply, either your putara will take renunciation or he will die." The monk told the difficult thing in simple words.

The monk, according to his monk instinct, easily told such a bitter truth with great impunity. The monk had forgotten that words like renunciation and death are very scary for the common man. While Punditaine (wife of Pundit) started to babble, Krishna Chandra also became emotional. He had never imagined this result of his own.

Unlike mother and son, Beli Rama became a live stone.

"Punditaine why do you cry in vain, you should be proud of your womb after listening to the whole story of this monk." The monk tried to console her in his style and touch the land by seeing Krishna Chandra as he expressed his gratitude towards him.

Seeing Beli Rama in a stone-like condition, Krishna Chandra took care of her Mother.

"There are only two ways to reach Vaikuntha Dhama, 'Ultimate Death' or 'Ultimate renunciation. After ultimate death, the human never dies again and directly merges at the feet of Shiri Hari Vishnu." Saying so the monk stood up.

The monk went towards the crying mother.

"Ultimate renunciation is the last renunciation of a soul who is born as a human being on this earth. Just as a creature dies many times before ultimate death, in the same way, a human being takes renunciation many times before ultimate renunciation. After true renunciation for many births, one rarely attains ultimate renunciation. Ultimate death means the soul reaches the Vaikuntha Dhama directly and in the ultimate renunciation, the soul goes to the Vaikuntha Dhama after the death that came after the age of renunciation." The monk completed the interpretation while looking at the poor mother.

The monk sat in front of Shakuntla Devi with folded hands.

"Your putara has attained that state which is the only wish of many people like me who have been begging for this state from many births. You know that you have given birth to a super soul. He is becoming great with each birth. This is his last birth as he turns the supreme among ordinary souls like us. So great maataa! Please don't shed tears. You should be proud of your luck and womb. Everyone takes birth and everyone dies but neither every birth is neither special nor every death is special. Your putara is special, so both his birth and his death are special. This great soul has blessed your womb." The monk expressed his feelings and torched the feet of Shakuntla Devi with great respect.

Then the monk went to father.

"Pundit Ji, you should call one of the great scholars who will provide the knowledge of mythology and legends to this great child. In that beautiful environment, he will see his path." the monk requested Beli Rama in such a manner as he was the father of Krishna Chandra.

He went away after worshiping Krishna Chandra's feet.

The monks went on singing hymns. The monk's voice was heard going away. Slowly his voice stopped being heard in the atmosphere. But still, the family and neighbors were silent. Neither one said anything nor did anyone move from their place.

Possibly it was the strangest first moment in everyone's life, which no one had ever practiced.

After a while, Krishna Chandra gathered his consciousness and controlled his emotions too. He gathered courage and looked at the parents.

Krishna Chandra was shocked to see that there was no love and concern in the eyes of the parents. There was only respect for Krishna Chandra in their eyes. For them, he was no longer their child but was a great soul.

The great soul himself had no idea what to do or what not to do.

This was also the moment when the booming river of questions flowing continuously in Krishna Chandra's mind stopped. He was completely thoughtless at that time. But in front of the direct problem, he did not pay attention to the indirect problem.

Krishna Chandra was feeling helpless again. He failed to give an appropriate answer to his genuine question of what should I do now.

So Krishna Chandra thought it would be more appropriate to remain silent.

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