Chapter 3: The Real Mahapundit (Part 3)

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The boy pulled himself back from the flow of wonderful emotion. Savamanika reminded himself that he was not sitting in class but engaged in a pre-planned task.

"Aacharya, thank you, please do one more thing for me. Just take a look within yourself once and tell me how you are feeling at this moment?" Savamanika asked with folded hands.

Krishna Chandra found the child's behavior and questions weird. But once again the boy had asked to do something in which there was no harm, so he tried to check his mood by looking inside himself according to the young boy's wish.

At that moment a big and beautiful smile appeared on Krishna Chandra's face. This smile itself was telling how he was feeling.

Seeing that, a victorious smile also adorned the face of Savamanika, indicating that his plan had been successful and the results had come according to his thinking.

"Looks like I'm breathing after several days." Krishna Chandra said in great relief.

"Aacharya you are absolutely right. Just looking at you, it seems that you started breathing a few moments ago." Savamanika expressed his true feelings in Krishna Chandra's way.

"I'm breathing, I'm talking...I...I'm happy, what's going on with me?" Krishna Chandra asked shockingly.

"That I'll tell you later, first you answer my other questions. Tell me, don't you love any girl? Bharaataashiri (Elder brother), please tell the truth." Savamanika requested like a younger brother.

As momentarily as the word 'girl' came out of the mouth of Savamanika, the smiling face of 'Kumari Rukmini' emerged in Krishna Chandra's mind, as a result, the former young aacharya, who was waiting for death, smiled again.

"Yes, I do." Krishna Chandra said bluntly.

"I thought the same; now tell me, do you see any wickedness in the amenities?" Savamanika asked as he knew Krishna Chandra's answer.

"No, not at all... Delicious food to eat and a soft bed to sleep on, every living creature has the right." Krishna Chandra replied instantly.

"Then why have you considered yourself a renunciatory person?" Savamanika asked as he was complaining to Krishna Chandra about Krishna Chandra.

A ten-year-old boy had asked a very logical question.

The expressions of Savamanika were not that of a child but of a great scholar. His last words fell like a thunderclap on Krishna Chandra's mind. Suddenly he woke up from his sleep of sixty-five days.

"You are a wonderful aacharya. That is your specialty and as far as I think it is your weakness. The king gave you the rank of aacharya because you truly deserve it. You are a true aacharya. You probably forgot that an adhyaapak (teacher) can be happy by educating a chhatar (student) but an aacharya cannot be satisfied by giving knowledge to only one shishya. I think nothing else has happened to you. You were only unhappy from within. But whenever your knowledge is donated to more people only then your sorrow turns into happiness. I think it is because a few days ago when I was sad inside, I got sick. Probably your problem is also the same." Savamanika explained thoughtfully.

Whatever Savamanika said was actually the voice of Krishna Chandra's conscience.

All the words were coming from within Krishna Chandra, but only coming out of the mouth of Savamanika. The former aacharya gathered his energy focused his mind and looked inside himself, due to which he could see the past.

Krishna Chandra was happy only twice in the last several months.

Twice Krishna Chandra did what was not part of his routine. For the last several months he was providing education only to Prince Keshava Kumara but on those two occasions, he had also educated Prince Trilochana Kumara and the neighboring children. On both those occasions, he felt a new kind of happiness through which all auspicious events happened.

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