Chapter 22: Not Everyone's Friends Are Good (Part 2)

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Thanking Gurudev, Batuk went to his place. The curiosity of the young students was at its peak.

"What I did as Gurudev told is not a secret. All the respected and virtuous aacharyas of the Gurukul have been telling this thing to all their shishyas many times in some form or the other. I know that if I tell you this now, you will not be able to understand it even after understanding it. So as an example, I tell my story, I am sure you all will understand better in this way." Batuk started his narration with those words.

Batuk returned to that hut of the past with the wings of memories while speaking.

Batuk told Swaraa everything that happened in Gurukul. He didn't hide anything. With great decency, he also described his demerits. Then he also properly explained the Vardaan (boon) of Mother Nature and its importance.

"Is it possible those who do not know about her or do not believe in Mother Nature, yet Mother Nature fulfills their demands too?" Swaraa asked while turning her back to Batuk.

Swaraa wished that Batuk would say 'no' in answer to her question. She had become tearful.

"Of course...Just as a small child is not aware of his mother. He only feels hungry and the mother gives him milk. Similarly, it is not necessary that you believe in Mother Nature only then your wishes will be fulfilled. Whether you know her or not, whether you believe her or not, if you make a wish, it will definitely come true." Batuk replied.

As momentarily as Batuk said 'yes', Swaraa's crying in secret intensified. From which Batuk came to know that she was crying.

"What happened Swaraa? Now everything is going to be fine, why are you shedding tears now? I have neither taken any intoxicants nor am I lying. Please believe me." Batuk pleaded.

"I am not doubting you dear...I am...I am regretting my actions." Swaraa said crying.

"Devi (Goddess), you have not done anything, I have just explained everything in is my fault entirely. Mother Nature had fulfilled my wrong desires." Batuk spoke, intending to pacify his beloved wife.

Batuk had said so while trying to free his beloved wife from the fault whose self-loathing caused Swaraa to cry.

"If it was so, only you would have to suffer. You weren't the only one who made the wrong wishes." Swaraa said seriously.

Batuk's eyes widened after hearing that. Swaraa was right, Batuk had asked for sorrows, so only Batuk should have got sorrows, why did Swaraa have to face dire poverty?

"What do you want to say?" It came out of the mouth of the panicked Batuk on its own.

"You said that, at the time of the final exam, on the mound, a feeling was shaking you from the inside. Did you feel at peace when you returned home and met your parents?" Swaraa asked.

Batuk found Swaraa's point irrelevant. If he had been an old Batuk, then he would have got angry after hearing that, but that was a new Batuk, who had to clear all the old mistakes and see the new light. So Batuk decided to reply.

Batuk thought for a while and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Even after meeting the family, there was no peace, wasn't it? The restlessness within you remained the same, wasn't it? Then suddenly everything was fine. Then you would not have had the opportunity to think about it, so let's think now and tell after seeing whom the emptiness inside you was filled. After talking to whom did you feel you met the one who was calling you?" Swaraa said crying.

Batuk fell into thought. He strained his brain and tried to remember. He didn't get the answer. During that, the servant of the landlord knocked on the door of their hut.

Batuk signaled Swaraa to be silent and came out controlling himself.

"Zameendaar sahib (sir) has called you immediately." The servant said as momentarily as he saw Batuk.

"You go, I'll come."

"He has asked you to come immediately; I have not come to invite you but to take you along." The servant expressed that by Saying he would not even move from there without taking Batuk.

"I was just about to come, you just wait." Saying Batuk went back to Swaraa.

Batuk lovingly wipes Swaraa's tears.

"Whatever may have been your former desires, do you now desire to return home?" Batuk asked seriously but lovingly.

Swaraa nodded while sobbing.

"Very well, now please stick to this wish. We will do Satsang in the night." Batuk said lovingly while caressing Swaraa's head.

"Satsang...but we don't have money to call Pundit ji." When Swaraa said innocently, Batuk laughed.

Batuk had forgotten what Satsang meant outside the Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul.

"I will take care of Pundit Ji and Prasad too, don't worry about anything. And please stick to your new desire until I return home." Batuk said.

Batuk had barely reached the door when he came back.

Batuk takes Swaraa in arms.

"You have supported me a lot. I promise to make everything as good as before. Do you trust me?" Batuk spoke.

Swaraa nodded her head in agreement.

"If it is so, then not even a drop of tears should come out now. I will come back quickly." Saying Batuk went outside the hut.

When Batuk went to the door and looked back, Swaraa immediately wiped away her tears.

Batuk left smiling.

While walking on the footpath, that day again Batuk's eyes were on the landlord's mansion, but on that day the mansion did not seem like anything special to him, because his new big house was in his eyes.

The servant stopped outside and gestured for Batuk to go inside.

Batuk came inside the zameendaar's mansion for the first time. So it took him some time to find the landlord's room.

When Batuk reached the zameendaar's room, he found that Zameendaar Rakeshchandra was very restless and was pacing around the room.

"Are you one of those miraculous men who made crops grow on the Stone Mountain?" The zameendaar asked in a tearful voice as momentarily as he saw Batuk.

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