Chapter 11: The Priority of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul (Part 3)

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The ninth Principle is; self-observation should be done before sleeping.

There are two aspects to this principle; the first is 'appropriate time' and the second is 'observation'.

Since ancient times a human has been suffering from physical diseases as well as mental diseases, yet human never became aware of mental diseases. The reason for this is hidden in its name itself.

Physical diseases are either inside the body or outside the body. In both cases, physical diseases and their symptoms can be seen. But mental diseases arise only in the mind, so they are never visible. Yes, the symptoms of mental diseases are visible but to identify them one has to observe the patient closely.

Due to non-appearance, more than half of the civilizations deny the existence of mental diseases and the rest of the civilizations do not understand mental diseases properly.

Two types of systems work in our bodies. The first is automatic and the second is manual.

Automatic systems are systems that do not require our permission to work. For example, thoughts.

Manual systems are those systems that require a human command to function. For example, behave according to the thought that comes to mind.

Whenever a new thing comes in front of a person, many thoughts about it automatically come into the person's mind. A person introspects on these thoughts and then decides what he should do.

This is a natural process that goes on continuously, but whenever it happens that a person does not know what thought came to his mind? And what action he has done in the physical world, then we say that there is a disturbance in the natural actions of the person. This disturbance is called mental illness.

For example, you went to a market and you saw an intoxicant. Your conscience knows that this intoxicant is dangerous for you, yet you consume it. It simply means that you are suffering from some mental illness.

Take anger as another example. The state of anger is such a state in which a person loses control over his hands and feet along with his words. As you have been told you must have understood that words coming out of the mouth, using hands, and using feet are manual processes, yet in the state of anger, these processes become automatic.

Its direct and accurate meaning is that anger is a mental disease.

Thus it is easy to understand that most people have no idea about mental illness and those who have it, do not understand it properly.

In simple words, as long as all the systems of the human body continue to function naturally, the person remains mentally healthy and whenever the systems of the human body begin to function unnaturally, then the person becomes a victim of mental illness.

The biggest challenges faced by the virtuous Aacharyas of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul were two.

First, how to cure the mental diseases that have developed within the children so that they can become better human beings and enjoy the best of human life.

Secondly, how to save the children from upcoming mental diseases and unnecessary tensions.

The meritorious Aacharyas of Uttarasaadhaka gurukul, after years of research, understood that self-observation or meditation is considered to be the best activity to prevent the formation of mental diseases and also to eliminate the mental diseases that have already formed.

If understood in technical language, when a person starts paying attention to those thoughts and actions of his, which while thinking and doing, his attention was somewhere else, then through self-power, the person goes on making sure that next time this thought will not happen automatically manifests itself in the physical world. I will decide whether this thought will happen or not.

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