Chapter 8: The Root Cause Of Poverty (Part 3)

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"Did they accept it? Keshava Kumara asked thoughtfully.

Krishna Chandra answered with a smile.

"Of course, they did not accept it but their eyes told me everything. Now, the question is, why did they get this illusion?" Krishna Chandra asked.

"Why aacharya?" Keshava Kumara asked the question by himself and everybody else who understood it, they asked the question through their conscience.

"The reason is very simple. Our family members are often visible to us when we are away from our family. It is neither an illusion nor a truth. It is just a message given by our senses, the message that our mind wants from them. If you want to hear the voice of loved ones, it is heard, if you want to see them, they are visible. A maataa even touches her distant putara. When a human can get done all this with his mind, why can't God be found?" Krishna Chandra explained only to Keshava, but everyone was eagerly listening.

The heat of the truth of the prince's aacharya's words had started reaching the great Brahmins. Tejasraja thought of interrupting him but he was afraid that Krishna Chandra would become silent again. So he gave Krishna Chandra a chance to keep speaking so that later he could defeat his arguments in front of everyone with his factual and solid arguments.

"It is very much possible." Those words came out of Keshava Kumara's mouth.

Only then did people understand that Keshava Kumara did not accept the knowledge of his Aacharya only because if an Aacharya is saying, so it should be accepted. Keshava Kumara accepted it after giving it a thought.

Tejasraja smiled because he thought the prince insulted his aacharya openly by not accepting the knowledge of his aacharya immediately.

Unlike Tejasraja, aacharya Krishna Chandra Shastri was delighted by his shishya's behavior. It was the victory of his teaching.

"Those whom our civilization has been addressing as God were mere human beings, who reached the pinnacle of fame in their respective times. They went from hero to superhero just because they were discussed now and then by people. Our King Ballabha Kumara is often called God by Many needy people, so should we now build a temple for Raja Ji too? Actually, God is a simile. There is a word that often comes out of our mouth while showing gratitude towards someone. You help a person who is in big trouble. What he will say to you? His words will be that you are God to me. And it happens to all of us because we keep helping each other. Believe it or not, the truth is that the person who is called Lord Rama was a king like our king and a very normal human being like you..."

" fool! He was an incarnation of God in human form," Tejasraja shouted.

Tejasraja interrupted Krishna Chandra because he was unable to bear Krishna Chandra's rubbish anymore. Tejasraja behaved like an ordinary person. Any words against God will be taken as rubbish.

Krishna Chandra laughed again. Keshava Kumara requested to answer with folded hands.

"Fool!... okay, you win. I agree that I am a fool. Not a normal fool but the most foolish creature ever born. A fool greater than me has neither been born in this world nor going to be born at any age. Is it satisfactory for you? You are born intellectual. You were born in the house of a great Brahmin lord of Brahmin Sabha, and your father is also a Mahapundit. Your knowledge is discussed too in society. You are quite a popular figure. We have also seen a sample of capability in the court." Krishna Chandra said showing his bad condition.

Tejasraja smiled arrogantly.

"So, great scholar, can you answer my one-sentence question in one word? May I ask?" Krishna Chandra asked.

Many people from the crowd were about to say 'no' just then Tejasraja permitted by raising his hand very stiffly. People wanted to say 'no' because they knew the history. Krishna Chandra started by asking a small question, and later he will snatch the clothes from the majestic bodies for sure.

"Mister intellectual, suppose you are made a king and all the wealth of Kubera Ji (God of wealth) is given to you. So tell me thoughtfully whether there will be any poor people in your state. I mean, will anyone go to bed hungry? Or will anyone be a bare body?" Krishna Chandra asked politely.

The question was as simple as it was complex. Tejasraja understood on hearing that. So he changed his move.

"What kind of game are you playing with me? Are you looking for some words that come from my mouth in our great king Ballabha Kumara's condemnation? No, I will not do such a heinous act by falling into the trap of your words." Tejasraja said thoughtfully.

Tejasraja cleverly diverted Krishna Chandra's arrow toward the king and saved himself cleanly.

"Brahmin lord, don't you worry about my humiliation. Use your knowledge to answer the question of aacharya Krishna Chandra Shastri. Tell us, if you have immense wealth, will there be poverty in your state or not?" King Ballabha Kumara said without hesitation.

The king gave an accurate answer to Tejasraja's diplomatic trick. The king understood the motive of Tejasraja too. Surendra Daasa was pleased to see his aware friend who was sitting on the highest post of the kingdom.

Seeing himself surrounded, it did not take long for Tejasraja to understand that this example of Krishna Chandra could be the answer to his question somewhere.

The fear of getting himself entangled in his own woven web began to haunt Tejasraja. So he came up with a solution, putting extra pressure on his intellect.

"A king always wants the welfare of his public. He wants everyone to be happy in his kingdom. But nothing happens by just wishing. Raja Ji, a noble-conscience king like you also wants this. But could you do that?" Tejasraja said.

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