Chapter 16: The Biggest Symbol Of Foolishness (Part 3)

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The minds of the three were empty, so they were thinking many crazy things. Later, they started feeling like getting angry at the pradhanaacharya too. But no one could dare to say that openly.

Jagdeesh was eating food on the ninth afternoon. Rasik and Dev were not interested in eating but they were eating under the routine.

Batuk's mind had been disturbed since morning; he had neither eaten anything in the morning nor was sitting on eating at that time. Realizing his bad mood, no one forced him. When he felt uncomfortable in the hut, he got up and came out.

Rasik was about to stop Batuk from going into the sun, but he remained silent when he looked into Dev's eyes.

Thousands of thoughts were creating havoc in Batuk's mind. In particular, an unfamiliar feeling was troubling him. While walking on the mound in the hot sun, Batuk thought of taking his every thought out of the prison of the cottage. He was successful to some extent.

Batuk was unaware that that situation was not one of respite, rather it was a diplomatic illusion that every evil king creates for his public while pretending to be a good king.

That illusion was used by the kings when the people used to go to the king with their requests.

For example, when a person would say to the king, "We did not even get grains for survival due to drought. Please shelter us." Then the king would say to them, "You have come at the right time. The soldiers of the enemy state are standing around the borders of our state. Let us all together take care of our motherland." Hearing so, the farmers forgot their hunger as well as thirst and started thinking, "We might not die of hunger, but enemy soldiers will surely kill us. It is good that the king is saving our lives."

In such a situation, those hungry people would have got relief, but the question is, did the king give them food? No, instead of giving them a solution, the king put them in even greater trouble. A person trapped in big trouble often does not remember his small problems. He thinks my problems are over.

This is the diplomatic fallacy that Batuk unwittingly used on himself.

The heat and harsh conditions of the mound had silenced his thoughts for a moment, due to which he was feeling relieved.

Batuk, who was returning after getting relief after walking in the hot sun, saw Jagdeesh's field on his way back.

Tiny stones had gathered in one place which Jagdeesh had removed from the land to create the pit. Somehow Batuk wanted to see the pit that was the biggest symbol of foolishness for him. Actually, his mind was looking for something. Something on which he could release his frustration. That is why he was staring at the pit.

Just then Batuk saw something in the pit. He looked at it carefully and jumped into the pit.

Jagdeesh had seen Batuk; his morsel remained stuck in his mouth. Dev-Rasik saw Jagdeesh who was continuously looking in the direction of where he dug the pit. Rasik and Dev were completely unaware that Batuk was in the pit. So when Batuk soaked with sweat suddenly came out from the pit, both of them were shocked. The water that Rasik had just drank came out of his mouth.

Batuk looked excited.

Jagdeesh's morsel was still in the mouth.

Batuk started looking for something outside the hut. When he did not find that, he went inside and started opening the bundle of tools. He found a small tool there, after which he returned out of happiness.

The friends were watching then Batuk again went into the pit.

Along with Jagdeesh, Rasik, and Dev were also shocked. There was a high sense of fear in the shock of both. A new sound started coming. All three understood that Batuk was digging something.

After a while Batuk came out of the pit, his fist was closed and there were feelings of satisfaction on his face.

Jagdeesh became a bit distracted; he first swallowed the morsel in his mouth to take care of himself with any untoward.

As Batuk was getting closer, Jagdeesh was seeing his face more clearly. He saw that Batuk's eyes were also wet like his clothes. That wetness was not the result of sweat-like clothes.

Batuk came near him. And slowly opened its fist...there was the soil in it. Tears flowed from Jagdeesh's eyes.

"Yes my friends, you dug up a gold!" Being emotional, Batuk said.

Jagdeesh handled himself and folded his hands in front of the meal.

"Sorry... I am not disrespecting you. But now I have to go. "By apologizing to Food, thrilled Jagdeesh ran into his farm.

Equally thrilled Batuk also ran after him.

"Is there gold in this land?" Rasik said in surprise.

"Even if there is gold, what is the matter of happiness in this? Gold extraction was not the motive of the examination. Gurudev wants to see the crop waving on this barren land." Angry at the stupidity of Batuk and Jagdeesh, Dev spoke.

According to him, he once again proved both of them foolish.

On the other hand, both were hugging happily in Jagdeesh's field. Batuk said something, to which Jagdeesh agreed. Batuk immediately returned to the hut, he picked up his tools and started digging his field completely ignoring Rasik as well as Dev.

Rasik and Dev's mouths were left open. Batuk started following Jagdeesh completely.

The next morning the sounds of two tools disturbed Rasik and Dev. Today they were not angry because they were ready to cry.

"Your prediction turned out to be wrong. Jagdeesh did not improve. Batuk also lost his mental balance." Rasik said trying harder to control his tears.

"It is definitely the effect of sunlight." Dev gave a new logic in support of his previous prediction.

"Hey, to avoid the sun, both of them are digging at this time," Rasik spoke and an argument broke out between the two.

On one side, two students of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul were arguing like sleep-seekers, on the other hand, two students of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul were engrossed in digging.

Batuk started seeing the courtyard of the house, so he put his life to work. He reached the position in just one week which Jagdeesh had taken two weeks to reach.

Seeing both of them engrossed in work, Dev's conscience was continually telling him to dig, but he was making stupid excuses. Later, when he saw the speed of Batuk, his mind was shaken.

"Rasik, both of us had become cooks. Spoil our morning as well as afternoon sleep and tolerate these sounds while choking all day. Are we going to do only this in the period of examination?... why not we too..." Dev asked hesitantly.

"...Absolutely not," Rasik shouted without listening to him completely.

"I know it will not give any result, but at least we will do something. I can't sit idle like this anymore..." Being restless, Dev spoke.

Vardaan 1...The Ultimate BoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora