Chapter 16: The Biggest Symbol Of Foolishness (Part 2)

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At the rise of the sun, all three woke up and got into their routine while blabbering.

"Jagdeesh, will you do this now?" Dev asked and Jagdeesh firmly said 'yes'.

"So should I send Batuk to collect the woods?" Dev asked again.

"No friend ... I will do my share of work on my own. You see other things, I will keep bringing the responsibility of wood." Jagdeesh replied immediately.

All three were shocked to hear this.

"Thankfully, its intellect is not completely destroyed yet," Rasik said staring at him.

When the sun rose a bit, then Jagdeesh returned to the hut. He rested for a few moments and went out to bring wood by drinking water.

Batuk also picked up the tool.

"What happened to you now?" Rasik asked thinking.

"There should be something to collect water," Batuk replied.

Batuk started making pits around the hut. One pit was for drinking purposes, three pits for baths, and two pits for storage. He made the pit for drinking water away from the pit for bathing and the pit for protected water at a suitable distance from the pit for bathing.

Dev-Jagdeesh returned and everyone had food. Staying in his tune, Jagdeesh did not talk to anyone again. He fell asleep after eating food. He slept purposely. He was obtaining a new kind of schedule to bring productivity and efficiency.

Neither the food was eaten properly by all three nor did all three get to sleep.

After a few hours, the afternoon started setting in.

Seeing the favorable weather, Jagdeesh again reached his field and started digging.

After all the difficulties, the three just fell asleep and Jagdeesh woke them up with a hoarse noise. At first, the three felt like throwing him from the mound. Later put their fingers in their ears.

Jagdeesh realized their situation but he gave more importance to the pit than his friends. In the next hour, he somehow made a pit. He was very relieved.

"What is the matter of being so happy in this? He merely digs a small pit that looks like a hole." Rasik said irritatingly.

"A pit in three days...In how many years will its field be ready at this speed? " Batuk asked seriously but both of them felt satirized.

Both laughed out loud.

Their laughter reached Jagdeesh's ears and he started digging again. After achieving the first target, he made his second target to bring out some soil from the pit. That time more energy was visible in his strokes.

"It's a typical enthusiasm that will cool down in a day or two." While trying to sleep, Dev said.

Dev was trying to sleep but now he could see his dream coming true. Undoubtedly, Jagdeesh was trying to make an impossible task possible, but 'trying' was Jagdeesh's specialty.

Like a dream, Dev was relaxing with his friends, and Jagdeesh had given up his comfort. He was working hard.

Dev's eyes were closed but his dream was coming in front of his eyes like a memory.

No one had ever made Dev a leader. He did not consider himself a leader. But the ability to lead was naturally present in him. That was the reason that someone or the other always put him ahead and he used to go ahead without asking any sort of question.

Dev was the undeclared leader of that group. The friends had no difficulty working under his leadership. But the reality of the moment was that the leader was sleeping with his followers.

If they were common boys, then that would be considered normal behavior, but those were students of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul. In front of the prestige of that Gurukul, big Gurukuls automatically proved to be dwarfs. The students of such a great Gurukul forgot as momentarily as difficulties came, that the one who sleeps during the day is called a 'fool'.

There were not one but three fools on that mound who were looking for excuses to sleep like lazy people forgetting the teachings of their teachers.

On the contrary, alone Jagdeesh, engrossed in his tune, was being hit hard on the hard ground with the help of his strong morale. Neither the land like iron was not accepting defeat nor was Jagdeesh ready to accept defeat.

Dev's conscience was crying and he knew that for sure, yet he was not ready to do something. He felt that if the pradhanaacharya Deependra would see them like that, then he would surely feel cheated by Dev's behavior.

Probably Dev's thoughts were stuck.

After some time afternoon became evening and then night passed. The next morning Jagdeesh found himself doubly fit. The sound of the tool echoed in the atmosphere like a rumble of thunder and the sleep of all three was broken again.

"Dev, when will his enthusiasm cool down?" Rasik asked, almost crying.

"Perhaps before I go deaf... Oh, Mother Nature! Help us!" Dev begged.

Both of them also supported him by raising their hands. Just after that they turned around and tried to sleep in the noise.

Jagdeesh, who had caught the rhythm, was digging humming in his mind. He had become a completely carefree man.

When the sun's heat increased, Jagdeesh returned to the hut. He rested for a few moments and went to work of his share.

All that went on for eight days.

By now Jagdeesh's friends had become unfamiliar to him. For five days, no one had called him a good morning. Everyone was angry at him, but they did not find the moment to express their anger, because Jagdeesh used to do his share of work every day without a delay.

Jagdeesh started looking very different from his friends in terms of body language. It was simply because he had a purpose. While all three were collecting negative energy by living a purposeless life, Jagdeesh, focused on his goal, was gathering abundant positive energy every day.

Perhaps seeing such a situation, someone must have said "The empty mind is the house of the devil". 

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