Chapter 9: The Miracle of Thirteen Years (Part 1)

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Those who went to snatch the right to education from aacharya Krishna Chandra Shastri in the form of a mob returned after getting an education of a lifetime from him.

By the end of the court, a new thinking process was born.

That thinking process was 'scientific thinking. The thinking whose basis was not unverified legends but logic and reality. The people of that region had developed a new habit.

Now people started thinking instead of accepting.

The education of all the boys including Keshava Kumara had resumed. Suddenly new shishyas came into the class. There were discussions of new thinking everywhere. The bad days of the Pundits had come, because people started giving importance to Mother Nature instead of God.

Krishna Chandra's associates were very happy. They felt that a new dawn had arrived. But Krishna Chandra was not so happy, he remained normal. He also did a study on the behavior of the public during his confinement.

According to the study, the excitement of people is pretty similar to the boiling of milk. As fast as it appears it disappears.

That was what exactly happened in a few months.

Forgetting Mother Nature, people started chanting the name of God again. The newly arrived shishyas went back. The colleagues were shocked when aacharya told them about his study.

"God has been present in society for centuries, so he will not disappear so quickly." Krishna Chandra said and could not control his laughter.

Krishna Chandra continued to take classes without taking any leave for twelve years and for the same number of years, his select few shishyas also kept coming. Keshava Kumara was not only a meritorious shishya, but other shishyas of the class also reached much above normal through hard work.

One morning everyone came to the class but did not study that day. When Gurudev came, there were tears in his eyes. The boys were being asked but Gurudev was unable to say anything.

"Aacharya, we have completed our education. Isn't it?" One shishya asked nervously.

When aacharya said 'yes', everyone's condition became like his. It was late afternoon but nobody's position had changed.

When Beli Rama came, he found that Prince Keshava Kumara had come to his house and everyone was sitting in mourning. He asked his wife. Shakuntala Devi told him the reason for their sorrow. A pure smile appeared on his face.

"What if your Gurudev had not returned here after completing his education?" Asking, Beli Rama entered the classroom in the courtyard.

"Would he have been able to raise their voice against the evils of society? Would he have been able to make education available to all? Would he have been able to educate you guys?" Beli Rama was saying and everyone started listening to him while wiping their tears.

"My Kishu needed to return to his land of work to become aacharya Krishna Chandra Shastri. And likewise, you guys are also the creators of the future. Leaving your sorrows aside and cherishing beautiful dreams in your eyes, go towards your respective lands of work." Beli Rama gave appropriate advice to everyone.

There were tears in everyone's eyes again and everyone looked at aacharya.

"Your Gurudev may not be able to say this, but his conscience desires that you people go to your respective societies and bring salvation there... Arise Kishu! Send off your shishyas, so that they can make good use of your teachings." said Beli Rama while patting Krishna Chandra's back.

Aacharya Krishna Chandra Shastri gathered his feelings and bid farewell to everyone one by one. Keshava Kumara went last.

After the completion of the education of the prince, a grand ceremony took place in the palace. Amidst dance, cuisine, and excitement, King Ballabha Kumara declared Prince Keshava the king.

Everyone's happiness doubled.

Keshava Kumara took over his kingdom and the rest of the shishyas also got busy with their respective jobs.

Aacharya's mind was only for leisure. For the next whole year, while Krishna Chandra rested, his shishyas reached the peak of their success. Society was surprised by that miracle that happened in just one year.

Krishna Chandra's shishyas looked like him. They were widely admired for their unique combination of intelligence and decency. Every shishya, including Keshava Kumara, used to give credit for their successes to their aacharya every time by bowing their heads.

"I wish I had sent my boys to his class then maybe my boys too...!" those words often came out of many mouths.

Whenever shishyas were asked about the secret of their progress and they gave whole credit to their great aacharya, then these words automatically came out of many fathers' mouths.

After thirteen years, the society understood the importance of Krishna Chandra and education.

Often such fathers would come to Krishna Chandra. They apologize for their misunderstandings and praise him very much. Whenever Krishna Chandra heard his praise, then every time Krishna Chandra remembered Savamanika and said thanks to him.

'The aacharya distributes the light of knowledge in society even after death.' That was said by Savamanika at the age of ten.

So when a person praised Krishna Chandra then he openly gave the credit to Savamanika. Just like that Savamanika's popularity suddenly increased. People started greeting him as 'master of the masters'.

Savamanika did not like it at all. Savamanika accepted that through his enlightenment Krishna Chandra found his appropriate way, but that was not just what he wanted. He wanted to study in Krishna Chandra's classroom. He tried hard but Krishna Chandra always said, "It is not an appropriate time."

Aacharya Krishna Chandra and his students gave a new direction to an ungrateful society. Where everyone was snatching credit for others' good deeds, aacharya, and his shishyas were openly giving credit for their success to others.

Just because aacharya Krishna Chandra and his students were successful, people instantly adapted their habit of giving credit to others. Just because of that habit society looked calmer and more civilized. That was the power of education!

It was more than a year since when aacharya Krishna Chandra Shastri didn't teach anybody, yet he was at the peak of fame due to his shishyas. His fame reached every corner of Aryavarta.

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