Chapter 25: The Secret That Was Never a Secret (Part 4)

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Batuk stopped listening to him. For a moment he felt that the child was his earlier form.

"Gurudev..." said Batuk seeking permission from the pradhanaacharya Deependra.

"Sure shishya! Guide us along with your friends." The pradhanaacharya said giving permission.

"Gurudev, it will be a matter of pride for me, I will try. Please keep this in mind. Wherever I make mistakes, I want your support there." Batuk prayed with folded hands.

The pradhanaacharya raised his hand and reassured him.

"As Gurudev says, look at Mother Nature as a shopkeeper. Everything is available in her shop; we just need to know how to ask. The demand can be made only by the power of thought. A thought that gets power by your force will become your wish in the eyes of Mother Nature, and she immediately starts working to fulfill that wish. The meaning is that thoughts are the base; therefore control over thoughts is necessary, because unknowingly people often have wrong desires. Same as my wife did." Batuk explained by giving his example.

"But thoughts are many and they all keep coming to mind at a rapid pace. How do we control them?" Another student asked.

"When this question came before us, we both started research on it. Thought a lot for many days but could not understand anything. Then one day..."

Swaraa was playing with her daughter. Then something came to her mind and immediately she called Batuk.

"What happened Swaraa, why so much excitement in your voice?" Batuk asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, one thing has come to my mind, can I tell you?" Swaraa spoke with excitement.

"Sure, but first give me 'Tripti'," Batuk spoke in a panic.

Seeing Swaraa excited, Batuk took his daughter Tripti from Swaraa's hands as a precaution.

"Everyone in the world is in a pair, male and female are in every living being. The universe keeps moving because of male and female." Swaraa asked.

"According to the information we have so far, you are right. Expansion from the same sex is impossible." Batuk told his thinking.

"Due to this belief, I realized that even nature must have a companion?" Swaraa said chirping.

That was a completely new thing, so Batuk had to think over it.

Batuk gave his daughter to his mother.

"My Goddess, you are telling the truth. Mother Nature's gender is female. She is a mother, and that's why she does not differentiate between desires. Just like a mother accepts each stubbornness of her children, similarly Mother Nature fulfills every wish. But unlike the mother, the father does not do this. Keeping control over emotions, he calculates every aspect before fulfilling the wishes of the child. If Nature is female then who is her male partner?" Batuk said thinking.

"I think she has a partner," Swaraa spoke excitedly.

"Who is he?" Batuk asked with double enthusiasm.

"He is Thought," Swaraa spoke firmly.

"" asked the astonished Batuk.

"Mother Nature is as permanent as a woman and thoughts keep changing like the nature of men. Nature remains calm like women. On the other hand, thoughts remain restless while doing or thinking something just like men. If it is in the hands of a woman, there should be no change around, because she remains calm. But every good and every bad change takes place in society because of the restless man. We know that Mother Nature fulfills, but what she fulfills... thoughts. Mother Nature fulfills the thoughts." Swaraa elaborated her thinking like a lady aacharya in front of her knowledgeable husband.

When Batuk told the same thing in the night Satsang of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul, along with the students, all the aacharyas also got thinking.

"Aacharyas, please give your opinions on the discovery of my wife?" Batuk sought advice from his aacharyas regarding the new discovery.

Everyone consulted among themselves. As expected by Batuk, that meeting took a good amount of time. He could see that only a few aacharyas agreed on that point.

After some time aacharyas took their decision.

"So far it seems fine. Thoughts are always in motion. Thoughts create desires that are fulfilled by Mother Nature. Till now we do not have any problem in considering thought as the male companion of Mother Nature." Aacharya Jagatjyot said as the representative of all Aacharyas.

"If nature is the mother, then thought is the father?" Bharat Kumar asked.

Batuk looked at the pradhanaacharya. Everyone clapped as shortly as pradhanaacharya approved.

When Batuk heard the applause for Swaraa, his conscience filled with pride.

Jagdeesh and Dev were looking at Batuk with surprise. They also used to love their wives but they never made them companions like Batuk.

Unlike Jagdeesh and Dev, the talk of Batuk was very much liked by Rasik. Not exactly like Batuk, but to a large extent, Rasik also treated his wife like a friend.

"Say further shishya!" said the pradhanaacharya.

Batuk was waiting for that signal.

"Having come to know that thoughts are very important and worshipable, we should keep thanking thoughts all the time. Positive energy is transmitted by thanking or giving respect. Negative thoughts do not come in a state of thanksgiving. If you keep saluting thoughts and thanking Mother Nature all the time, then only good thoughts will come to your mind all the time. This will automatically control your thoughts." Batuk explained his method in very simple words.

Batuk was just saying everyone started following his words. That made Batuk silent and he started smiling at everyone.

"After that..." asked Bharat Kumar, as he was only focused on listening to Batuk's words.

When Bharat Kumar asked, everyone's consciousness returned.

"Then follow two principles."

1. Give steady thought to Mother Nature.

2. Then whatever thought comes to mind, without doubting it, start working with full faith as if it is not a thought but a sign of Mother Nature.

Batuk became silent after telling so because he had nothing else to say.

"Only two principles, are they that simple?" A student asked impatiently.

A smile appeared on the face of the pradhanaacharya after listening to the student.

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