Chapter 24: If You Ask, You Will Get (Part 2)

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The new assistants who came after ten days were scared. They thought the owners had hired a new servant because of their delay.

Batuk's pitiable condition did not even give them a chance to doubt their thinking.

Batuk cleared his doubts in no time. The assistants, instead of Batuk's rags, noticed Batuk's muzzle and his horse tied near the hut and were convinced that Batuk was not the new servant hired in their place.

Being happy, the new assistants offered to take care of Batuk's farm free of cost.

The wait for Batuk is over. Taking the soil from the mound, thanking his farm and Mother Nature, he returned home.

While returning, the seeds sown by him had grown in some places. The soil and climate there were somewhat similar to the soil and climate of the mound. He noticed another special thing in those fields as well as on the mound, only those seeds grew, which were sown at a far distance from the rest of the seeds.

Batuk's study reached a firm conclusion.

According to Batuk's study, the seeds needed a special climate, a special soil, as well as diseases, were also given to the seeds. That disease used to become more powerful when it came in contact with other seeds. Therefore, for the seeds to grow, along with special soil and special climate, treatment was also required, so that they could be freed from diseases.

Having won half the battle, Batuk returned to his present abode i.e. hut.

Swaraa became very happy to see her husband healthy after so many days. She wanted to know about his well-being from him but Batuk told Swaraa everything about his discovery. Swaraa could not believe it.

"I do not understand how to cure the seeds and how did these seeds grow on the mound. Please give me some advice." Batuk asked.

Swaraa's happiness kept on hearing the question.

"Being illiterate, how can I advise to knowledgeable person like you?" Swaraa replied slowly.

"Nobody has a monopoly on thoughts; they can come to anyone's mind at any time. There is a need to create an environment suitable for thoughts to grow on the soil of the mind. That's why you think about the seeds. Who knows you might find some solution." Batuk requested to Swaraa.

Swaraa took Batuk's request as a command and started studying soil as well as seeds.

"Don't know if I am right or wrong, all the soils brought by you have a special quality, their particles are very well connected. Water holds them together like other soils, but when the water dries up, it does not disintegrate like other soils." Swaraa presented her opinion.

"You are right Swaraa, when air cannot pass through them, how can bacteria pass through them? That's why they don't spread much." It just came out of Batuk's mouth.

"Did you just say bacteria?" Swaraa asked like a scientist.

"Yes...It is not the ants that destroy them but the bacteria. Bacteria destroy these seeds while reacting with soil, air, and water." Batuk gave his opinion.

"You are absolutely right," Swaraa said looking at the ground.

Some seeds fell from Batuk's bundle and fell in the middle of the herd of ants. The ants were not even going near them.

"By ordering seeds from far away, they infected them with diseases after that they placed bets...they knew that the soil and climate of any of the master's fields would not prove helpful in growing these seeds. The master's cunning friends have crossed the limits. They knew that they would win the bet anyway. That's why they had put all their land at stake. I have a solution for this." Swaraa said thinking.

"Please say," Batuk asked optimistically.

Swaraa brought some leaves from outside.

"This is Neem (Azadirachta indica)." Batuk asked in a questioning manner.

"No sir, the species is Neem only but many times more effective than ordinary Neem," Swaraa said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"What's your plan?" Batuk asked thoughtfully.

"If we keep these seeds soaked in the solution of these leaves for a few days, then definitely the bacteria will disappear," Swaraa replied like an in-house scientist.

Batuk fell into thought.

"We will not soak them, wrap them in leaves, and bury them in the ground," Batuk said considering all the possibilities.

"That would work?" When Swaraa asked, Batuk smiled.

"Half the work will be done, the remaining half will be done by the determination of my friend Dev," Batuk spoke with a victorious expression on his face.

"I don't understand anything! Is Dev Bhaisaab (brother) coming to help us?" Swaraa asked in confusion.

"He cannot come but his thoughts will help us. Actually, once on the mound, he had said that if the soil was not found on the mound even after digging a lot, he would dig it out from the forest bring it to the mound, and fill it in the pit. He will go to any extent but will stop only after growing the crop." Batuk replied.

Swaraa understood the plan. She was happy.

There was something special in Swaraa's happiness that Batuk recognized.

"Tell me the truth dear, what did you ask from Mother Nature?" Batuk asked coaxing Swaraa.

"Didn't ask for anything untoward..."

"...what did you ask for, Swaraa Devi." Interrupting Swaraa, Batuk said with folded hands.

Swaraa understood that there was no use in hiding now as Batuk had understood.

"All I wanted was for the two of us to solve this puzzle together." When Swaraa said innocently, Batuk started laughing.

"On the one hand, you tell me not to lose courage and on the other hand you want us to do this work together. You made the same mistake again. Because of you, the solution was not found for so many days. You wanted to do both together and I was doing the unknowingly alone. Even today I forcibly asked you for help. If I had not told you, you would not have said anything and we would have been confused like this. Would you have at least told me what was going through your mind?" Batuk explained everything without getting angry.

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