Chapter 4: Not Woman, Not Man...Just Nothing (Part 1)

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Taking four pairs of clothes, Krishna Chandra reached a deserted region after traveling for three days. Here the forest was spread far and wide. He rested for a while and started planning.

"Don't know how long it would take!" whenever that thought came to his mind, the faces of Mother, Father, Kumari Rukmini, and Keshava Kumara came in front of his eyes. On such occasions, Krishna Chandra started looking at the trail in front. It did not just happen once, it happened every moment when he tried to plan things.

When Krishna Chandra failed to plan even after a few hours, he forced himself.

First of all, Krishna Chandra went to that part of the forest where there was no path-way around. He closed his eyes for some time. Later when he opened his eyes, he did not see anything. At first, he relaxed because he achieved his primary goal. But within a few minutes, his plan failed miserably as he started crying because of not getting the pathway.

The thing from which Krishna Chandra was running away, and after a while, he started missing the same thing.

Krishna Chandra's restlessness started increasing and he started searching for a pathway in the forest like a madman. His crying also increased and his fear also increased. After a long time, he sat down exhausted. He had thought that he would find a way by keeping his mind calm, but when his mind calmed down; he remembered his primary goal again.

"How stupid I am! I am crying because I can't find a pathway, whereas I aimed to make my eyes and my mind stop looking for a way back." Krishna Chandra scolded himself angrily.

Krishna Chandra started telling himself some mythological stories to increase his morale. It was beneficial but not much. His eyes and legs were desperate to walk.

Within no time, Krishna Chandra realized that as long as his eyes were open, he would keep on searching for a way out. In such a situation, he used another trick.

Krishna Chandra collected some big leaves and forest vines. He tied big leaves to his eyes to the extent he was unable to see a ray of sunlight. After that, he tied his feet with forest vines so hard that he could not move an inch. At last, he took a few deep breaths and tied his hands with forest vines.

Leaving his body loose and counting down, Krishna Chandra again took three deep breaths. At a specific moment, he twisted himself and gave a blow. From that moment he was unable to free himself even if he wanted to.

Krishna Chandra was ready to remain in such condition till leaves, as well as vines, dried automatically.

In such a condition, sometimes Krishna Chandra cried at his helplessness, and sometimes he was pleased to understand that he would not be able to return home.

Krishna Chandra remained in that state for two days. During that, he kept telling himself, "Once this work is done, I will be with my loved ones forever."

Lying like a lifeless tree in the forest land, Krishna Chandra had nothing to do, so his mind began to remind him of all the events of his life in a sequential manner.

Those memories were not mere memories, as they included an excessive amount of detail. So those were very effective memories. Because of them, sometimes Krishna Chandra used to laugh a lot and sometimes used to cry a lot.

When the weak body would fall asleep laughing and when it would wake up crying, Krishna Chandra could not know anything. His eyes were closed, so he did not even know when it was morning and when it was night.

The most painful moments would be when Krishna Chandra would get itchy. His hands and feet were tied, so he could not scratch even if he wanted to. Like a snake, he tried to scratch by moving their body from right to left. Sometimes the effort was successful, sometimes his helplessness continued till he fainted.

On the fourth day, Krishna Chandra's body started demanding water on an immediate basis. He started crawling to find a forest hole filled with rainwater. Merely after two hours, he found the hole filled with rainwater. That temporary blind man started drinking water like an animal.

Just after that, Krishna Chandra found another problem.

The leaves tied to Krishna Chandra's eyes started falling off dryly. The falling leaves were giving him a lot of trouble. He endured that like a professional.

Five days later, the Vines were dried up and Krishna Chandra set himself free.

Krishna Chandra's health had deteriorated. The lack of food and water made him very weak. But he was more than happy that his purpose had been accomplished.

"I am thinking about everyone, but my eyes are not finding the path to home." Krishna Chandra said happily.

Krishna Chandra managed to convince himself in a total of nine days that he had to finish his new work on an urgent basis.

With a very weak body, Krishna Chandra somehow found the waterfall. He got a lot of energy after drinking fresh water. Then he found the root of the tuber and found some familiar herbs.

During that, Krishna Chandra saw almost the whole forest. His sharp mind remembered everything. Where can food be found, where water, where wood, and where herbs? He saw that there were enough resources in the forest. Now he chose a place to stay.

Krishna Chandra built a hut there and started living there.

From clay, Krishna Chandra made sculptures of his loved ones and created his little world in the forest itself. In that world, some unwanted guests also started coming in the form of wild animals. Many times he had saved his life by hiding and many times by running away.

Every time a simple thought comes to Krishna Chandra's mind, "What if they found me a few days earlier when I was tied as well as much weaker."

On one hand that thought would have made Krishna Chandra shudder, on the other hand, it would have forced him to thank God.

Although Krishna Chandra had also practiced warfare during his gurukul days, yet not utilize the art of killing in the forest, because he was not in favor of violence.

At least not in that Jungle.

Not at all on sinless animals. Krishna Chandra realized that the animals were not in his house but he was in the animal's house.

Krishna Chandra built a strong fence around his hut.

Krishna Chandra Collected combustible material from the forest and put it in place in the enclosure. He was confused about whether his idea would work or not. One night the king of the jungle himself came and cleared his doubts.

On hearing the lion, he quickly lit a fire near the fence and the lion immediately ran away.

Within a few days, Krishna Chandra had everything a civilized man needed. So he thought, "Now I can start doing the work for which I have come this far."

Krishna Chandra started meditating.

Within a few days, Krishna Chandra was seeing the scene of his life when the monk checked his horoscope. Surprisingly, the prophecy of the monk turned out to be correct.

The difference was only a little.

According to the position of the planets, Krishna Chandra would get the greatest goal of his life. The prophecy was right. The difference was between the persons. The monk's guru was a sage while Krishna Chandra was a teacher. So unlike the goal of the monk's Guru, Krishna Chandra's greatest goal was to become the greatest aacharya, not the greatest renunciatory person.

Krishna Chandra understood the fact that he wanted to share his knowledge with many people. He was born to be aacharya.

Krishna Chandra thanked Savamanika again because the boy's suspicions turned out to be surprisingly his ultimate truth. 

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