Chapter 12: Where is The Temple? (Part 1)

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A pleasant morning arrived at Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul. In Gurukul, activities used to start even before sunrise.

Everyone knew that health was the priority of the Gurukul. Over the years, everyone has agreed that a sick person can neither be of any use to himself nor society. That's why it was necessary for all the Aacharyas and students to be completely healthy.

When the virtuous Aacharyas of Uttarasaadhaka gurukul understood that it is as easy as thinking to be healthy, it is equally difficult to remain healthy every day. He knew that while the development of civilization has made man comfortable, on the other hand, those same comforts also gave many physical and mental diseases to man.

To easily achieve the difficult goal of perfect health every day, ten principles were formulated by the Aacharyas keeping in view the Indian climate, which they also developed as a tradition of gurukul.

This was the reason why activities were started in Gurukul even before sunrise.

According to the first instruction of the gurukul, everyone had to get up about a quarter of an hour before sunrise.

Everyone used to do their daily work by drinking lukewarm water without rinsing and immediately took part in collective Pranayama and Yoga practice

Unknowingly, everyone's stomach would have been soft, with the help of Pranayama everyone would have been free from diseases, and with the help of yoga practice, all the joints of everyone's body would have become flexible and healthy.

Everyone eats raw vegetables as momentarily as the sun rises, eats sprouted pulses after one hour, and fruits-nuts after one hour.

Some small children also drink milk at this time.

All this could have been done comfortably within two and a half hours after sunrise.

After that, everyone would go to their respective classes.

In the first class, there was only and only laughter as well as music so that everyone's mind would be happily ready to receive teachings.

It was believed that by doing work that pleases the soul beginning in the morning, the mind remains happy throughout the day. With a healthy body and in a good mood, studying becomes much easier as well as more interesting.

gurukul had a habit of such mornings for years, but the first few mornings were strange for the new shishyas. On the first morning of Gurukul, the four little shishyas were watching and understanding all this while rubbing their eyes.

"Friends, I do not see the temple anywhere," Dev said while looking around.

"That's what I've been looking for ever since I came here." Jagdeesh also reiterated the problem.

"My morning yet not started... I do not do anything without seeing God," Batuk said with a huff.

"Found it," Rasik said happily seeing a corner, and ran towards it as momentarily as he said it.

All three also ran after him. Rasik hid by leaning against a wall. All three did the same.

"What happened?" Dev asked.

"Be patient, first let the field be empty, then we will attack," Rasik said rubbing his hands.

"The attack on the temple?" Jagdeesh asked in surprise.

Meanwhile, Rasik has gone inside.

When all three went inside after him, they found themselves cheated. It was not a temple but a kitchen.

Five aacharyas and ten shishyas are used to prepare the morning meal together. In front, a boy was bringing a pot of milk from the cow shed which was visible a little distance away.

"Idiot! This is not the house of God, it is the kitchen." Batuk said angrily.

"I know... this is a house of food, that is why I have come here... My day does not start without drinking milk." Rasik innocently said staring at the milk.

"But friend, we want to go to the temple!" Jagdeesh said while explaining.

"Sight of God early in the morning is very important." Dev also explained.

"More important than milk?" When Rasik asked innocently, Batuk felt like slapping him three or four times.

"Children, there is no temple here." Someone said from their back.

When all four looked back, the pradhanaacharya Deependra and aacharya Dharmadhikari were standing smiling. All four bowed their heads in fear. If Batuk had a chance, he would surely slap Rasik. Just because of Rasik, he felt ashamed.

The aged pradhanaacharya was walking in front, and the children were following him with bowed heads.

"There is no temple here. We started an expedition to find God so that we install him in the temple. But neither any God was seen nor heard. Have you ever seen or heard of any God?" When the pradhanaacharya asked, everyone raised their hands.

"Not an idol of God...the real God," the pradhanaacharya asked correcting the question.

All four looked at each other and seeing the answer of 'no' in everyone's eyes, they lowered their hands and bowed their heads again.

The pradhanaacharya smiled seeing this.

"Now, how can we make a proper idol of what cannot be seen or heard... That is why there is no temple here." Saying this, the pradhanaacharya stopped and gave love to all by rubbing their heads.

"Rain is caused by science, not by God Indradev living beyond those clouds. Trees pullulate, grow, and give flowers as well as fruits at a certain time... all this happens by science and not by the grace of God." the pradhanaacharya said and the children were surprised to hear.

"Gurudev, who is this science? Can we meet him?" Rasik asked curiously.

the pradhanaacharya started laughing and laughingly refused.

"Why can't we meet him? We won't hurt him! Where does he live?" Dev asked innocently.

"Shishyas! It is found everywhere but lives nowhere, it is not even visible." the pradhanaacharya said and waited for their reactions as he already knew how the kids would react.

"If it is not visible...then how can we assume that he is there? He must have been heard." When Jagdeesh asked, the pradhanaacharya again refused.

The children understood at once that they were in danger. 

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