Chapter 24: If You Ask, You Will Get (Part 3)

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"I'm sorry, my I understand better." Swaraa said a little scared.

"Please keep in mind that before asking anything from Mother Nature, tell me directly." Batuk said seriously.

Swaraa smilingly apologizes and Batuk caresses her head lovingly.

The very next moment Batuk went to Zameendaar Rakeshchandra.

Twenty days later, fifty bullock cart drivers and laborers along with them came to the haveli of Zameendaar Rakeshchandra from a long distance. The bullock carts were completely covered and the language of the laborers was completely different from there.

No one had a clue of what was in the bullock carts and the workers could not talk to anyone.

In the center of the haveli, there was a part without a roof which was secretly dug by the four most trusted servants of the landlord. The laborers filled the special soil in that part from the bullock carts.

Ten such rounds of bullock carts were made. Every time the bullock cart drivers and laborers were changed.

What was going on all this, Rakeshchandra had no idea about it. He was treating Batuk's suggestions like orders. One night Batuk and Swaraa take out the seeds from the ground and sow them in the newly prepared field inside the haveli.

Batuk's prediction turned out to be correct; it rained intermittently for four days in those ten days. Due to that, the soil neither dried properly nor did it become wet like mud.

Together they watered that field every day in the same way even after the rains.

Fifteen days had passed.

The secret from the Zameendaar Rakeshchandra could not be tolerated any longer; he went to that field without getting permission from Batuk.

When Batuk and Swaraa came, they saw Rakeshchandra beaming with joy.

"You should have at least told me that you have grown plants," Rakeshchandra said with a sigh.

"I don't trust your digestive power." When Batuk said, Rakeshchandra laughed.

Rakeshchandra kept on laughing for a long time. Batuk and Swaraa were also happy with his happiness.

"We wanted the plants to grow well, only then would we tell you and everyone else," Swaraa said.

"There is no need for that, the condition in the document only states that the seeds are to be grown. It doesn't matter how big the plants are." Rakeshchandra replied smiling happily.

Then suddenly Rakeshchandra broke down in tears. He thanked Batuk many times for his favor. Batuk had saved the Zameendaar Rakeshchandra from becoming a pauper.

Hugging Batuk, Rakeshchandra went away with his chest wide.

Exactly a week later Swaraa-Batuk became the owner of twenty acres of land. The impoverished landlords tried their best, but they could not solve the mystery of how these seeds grow in that area.

Only then did Zameendaar Rakeshchandra understand every secret trick of Batuk-Swaraa. Keeping in mind the talk of Batuk about digestive power, Rakeshchandra held his tongue and did not reveal the reality to his former friends who pleaded.

"Who knows tomorrow I may have to use this trick again." Rakeshchandra thought.

It was time to sow the crop. Batuk and Swaraa cultivated nineteen acres for themselves and one acre for the Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul. When the harvest came after four months, the old owners of the lands were surprised to see that their fields had produced more grain this time than every other time.

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