Chapter 20: The Secret That Is No Longer A Secret (Part 2)

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Batuk, who was ready to obey Gurudev, immediately apologized for leaving the milk midway and then apologized to everyone else for interrupting their Sanjh Jalpaan.

Dev was not surprised as he had suspected Batuk for a long but Rasik and Jagdeesh were nervous. Batuk looked at his friends.

"Friends, I am a big liar. I am not very rich... I am very poor. So much so that I pray day and night that I may not have children." Batuk told his truth to his friends as he was ready to cry.

Before Dev could think about Batuk's words, Batuk spoke about children.

"Batuk, how can you have such a bad thought?..." Dev interrupted him angrily.

"...yes Dev, of course, this is a bad thought, but this is the truth. If a child is born in my house, I cannot even nurture him. Hey! I am able to give only one meal to my wife as well...and neither of us drinks anything during the Sanjh Jalpaan. I don't even have a roof over my head. I live in the owner's hut." Batuk ignores Dev's scolding and continues to tell his truth.

"Owner?..." came out of everyone's mouth.

"Yes, Friends, You heard it right, I have said the owner. I am the first incompetent student in the history of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul who does a job. I am a servant even after receiving the divine teachings of Gurukul for many years." Batuk bowed his head and said.

Fear appeared on everyone's face. They understood at once why the pradhanaacharya was so distressed.

"Why are you joking friend, we know how rich and famous your father is. You have your own mansion-like house. You might have forgotten but once on your birthday when your father hosted a party, we all went with you to your house." Jagdeesh said.

"Jagdeesh, I have joked, but not with you but with my father. He had sent me to Gurukul with great desires and I created such a situation that the king of our province was about to snatch that house from him because of me. Might be he snatched the house, because... because this Batuk, who cannot be called your friend, left them alone in the dark of night like thieves and ran away and till now did not even ask about the wellbeing of my family. How can you even ask it... from which mouth..." Batuk started crying bitterly while saying this.

Distressed by the grief of the friend, when Rasik started getting up, the pradhanaacharya stopped him from doing so.

Many wanted to calm Batuk, but no one had the courage to ignore the pradhanaacharya's advice.

Batuk may consider himself weak, but in the last four years, he did not cry even in the worst of circumstances. He didn't know that by doing that a cloud of sorrow had formed in his mind. Experienced the pradhanaacharya wanted Batuk to cry well, to calm down.

Experienced the pradhanaacharya knew that unless a person's mind is calm, he cannot understand things properly. The best help given to an unhappy mind goes in vain. That's why it is very important to calm the mind of the needy before helping someone.

Unaware of that, Batuk wept for a long time.

When Batuk opened his eyes, he found almost everyone crying. Only then did he realize that he was crying. He quickly wiped his eyes and tried in vain to appear strong.

"Today we will do night Satsang for your friend Batukeshwara's problem. All of you who want to be a part of that Satsang can come after completing all the work on time. And yes Batukeshwara, who has started believing in God by forgetting Mother Nature, may have forgotten the meaning of Satsang in Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul. That's why I tell you again that chanting the name of God together is not called Satsang. Sitting with truthful as well as good people and discussing a subject without taking any side is called Satsang. I have full hope that today's Satsang will be successful as always and you will get correct answers to your questions." the pradhanaacharya said.

Hearing so, many students started talking among themselves. There was a special group that had thought of some questions for tonight's Satsang, and the discussion in that group was going on as to whose questions should be answered first. After a brief deliberation, they chose Batuk, as Batuk would only get time tonight, whereas they would all have opportunities coming their way every day, for many years to come.

When everyone registered their consent, only then the pradhanaacharya was relieved.

"Apologies and end all meals for now. Do not bring any negative thoughts into your mind and do not worry about Batukeshwara. Trouble is not a new thing. Difficult times often come and it leaves after giving a lot. That's why everyone can be relaxed and enjoy the food." Aacharya Dharmadhikari said.

Everyone followed Aacharya Dharmadhikari.

Rasik forced Batuk to drink milk. Firstly, Rasik full of love knew how to do so, and secondly, he had also got permission from all the aacharyas for that. Although everyone's eyes were still on Batuk, no one was sad for him. Everyone knew that even the biggest issue was resolved in the night Satsang of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul.

Everyone was praying to Mother Nature for the good of Batuk.

And after some time...

The night Satsang started Aacharya Dharmadhikari asked the four friends who had passed the mound exam to stand in front.

No one understood the point of making others stand in front of the assembly for the issue of Batuk. All three friends also found it very awkward. But since it was the wish of Aacharya Dharmadhikari, no one asked any questions.

All four stood by the wall. All the Aacharyas sat on their right side. Older students sat on their left hand and younger students sat right in front of their eyes.

When the assembly was arranged, the pradhanaacharya came forward.

"My fellow Aacharyas always tell this thing to everyone, but today once again the need has arisen to repeat it. I hope that this time all of you will listen to it carefully and remember it." By Saying the pradhanaacharya tried to make everyone concentrate.

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